Prof. Dr. Afonso Bandeira
Professur fur Mathematik
HG G 23.1
Ramistrasse 101
8092 Zurich

Afonso S. Bandeira
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  • Students already at ETHZ: I try to hold office hours regularly; the schedule is on the calendar on my main page. Stop by if you want to chat, including about semester papers, Master/Bachelor thesis advising, or other research opportunities. When they are over videocall, you can find the link in the forum or email me for it.
    • Link with more information about possible projects, and who to contact if interested (only available to ETH students, list of possible projects is not often kept up to date, but contact person is).
    • Students who wish to do a project/paper/thesis in my group are expected to have successfully completed either 401-2684-00L Mathematics of Signals, Networks, and Learning or 401-4944-20L Mathematics of Data Science.
    • You can read through my recent papers to see if my current research interest are a good fit. If so, consider making a list a questions to ask me.
  • Info for Prospective Students:
    • If you are interested in a PhD position in our group, please apply directly to the Zurich Graduate School of Mathematics ZGSM (two deadlines a year).
    • Sporadically, we may also recruit through the the Center for Learning Systems (CLS), or the ETH AI Center Doctoral Fellowship (ETH AI Center). If you are interested in a position in our group and feel that such a program is a good fit, feel free to apply both to it and the ZGSM.

    In any case, feel free to mention me as a potential advisor. You are welcome to also email me to let me know you applied (unfortunately, I cannot reply to all emails I receive; I do however try to reply to every email that ask me specific research questions).

  • For Postdoctoral and other positions:
    • If you are interested in a Postdoc position in our group, please apply to the Call for Hermann-Weyl-Instructorship and mention me as a potential mentor. Please also email me to let me know you applied and consider, if possible, including a link to a video of a talk you have recently given (unfortunately, I cannot reply to all emails I receive, but I'll take note of it).
    • Consider additionally applying to the call for ITS fellows (there are positions available for Junior, Advanced, or Senior fellows) and/or the call for AI Center Postdoc positions.
    • There is also a Call for ETH Postdoctoral Fellowships, but I am rarely able to support these applications.