Prof. Dr. Martin Schweizer
ETH Zurich
Department of Mathematics
ETH-Zentrum, HG G 51.2
Rämistrasse 101
CH - 8092 Zurich
- Email: martin.schweizer(at)
- Phone: +41-44-63-23351
- Fax: +41-44-63-21474
- Office: HG G 51.2 (Main building)
- Secretary: Jean-Luc Pfisterer
- Email: jean-luc.pfisterer(at)
- Phone: +41-44-63-23580
- Fax: +41-44-63-21474
- Office: HG G 32.3 (Main building)
working hours: Tuesday to Thursday, Friday morning
[Personal homepage]
[Stochastic Finance Group]
[Insurance Mathematics and Stochastic Finance]
[ETH-Professors Link]
Last update: 03.01.2020 / M. Schweizer