Concepts is a set of classes written in C++ which allow solving elliptic partial differential equations using various methods. Most of Concepts is GPL. Available are hp-FEM, DGFEM and BEM (not currently released under GPL, maybe in a future release). More...
2006-04-18: Release 2.1.1 is available: concepts-2.1.1.patch.gz (15k).
2004-09-17: Release 2.1.0 is available: concepts-2.1.0.tar.gz
(2.0M), ChangeLog.
2004-06-10: The initial public release of Concepts is version 2.0.0: concepts-2.0.0.tar.gz (1.8M)
Since 1995 Concepts has been developed by various Ph.D. students at the Seminar for Applied Mathematics at the Department for Mathematics of ETH Zurich. We refer to References and the pictures below showing recent developments and applications.
2011-01-13: We have set up a mailing list. The developers also read this list, ie. it should be sufficient for all your questions. If you really need to contact somebody personally, ask Kersten.
PicturesA whole page of pictures (meshes and convergence graphs) in two and three dimensions can be found on our results page for the Benchmarks for Maxwell (Benchmax).
Magnetic field in a Ring with a large and a tiny slit:
Two dimensional meshes:
Two dimensional solution plot:
Three dimensional meshes: |
Behind the three pictures below, there are movies of three different
basis functions
in an anisotropically refined hp-FEM mesh in
three dimensions. The movie shows a cut plane moving through the domain
(a unit square), each is about 1MB large.