We are inviting applications for a PhD position at the University of Bern, Switzerland, in the field of topology. The position is funded from the Swiss National Science Foundation grant "Embedding spaces: building bridges between geometric and algebraic viewpoints" lead by Danica Kosanović, and will be co-supervised with Sebastian Baader. The starting date is flexible within the first half of 2025.
The only prerequisites are a masters degree in mathematics and English proficiency. Experience with (geometric or algebraic) topology or geometry is an advantage. There will be light teaching duties, but knowledge of German is not expected. The position comes with a competitive salary and travel funding.
Interested candidates are invited to submit a one-page letter of interest, CV and transcripts, via email to [building bridges 4 embeddings (the sign) gmail (the dot) com] by November 20. Two letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the referees to the same email address by the same date.