Prof. Dr. Fadoua Balabdaoui
Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zürich
Office: HG-G24.1
Phone: +41 44 632 7584
Education and previous appointements
1999 Diplôme d'Ingénieur Civil, Ècole des Mines de Paris, France
2004 PhD in Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
2004-2006 Postdoc, University of Göttingen, Germany
2006-2015 Assistant Professor at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
2012 Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche, Université Paris Dauphine-PLS
Time Series Analysis (MS/PhD, ETH, Fall 2024)
Data Analysis and Machine Learning (MS, Ashesi University, Ghana from 22.04.24 to 26.04.24)
On Hypothesis Testing (BS/MS, ETH, Spring 2024)
Probability and Statistics (BS, ETH, Spring 2023)
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik (BS, ETH, Spring 2022) Skript für den ersten Teil der Vorlesung , Script for the second part of the lecture
On Hypothesis Testing (MS, ETH, Spring 2021)
Time Series Analysis (MS, ETH, Fall 2020)
Inference in Non-Classical Regression Models (BS & MS, ETH, Spring 2020)
Mathematical Tools in Machine Learning (MS, ETH, Fall 2019) script typed by S. Gaudlitz
Probability and Statistics (BS, ETH, Spring 2019)
On Hypothesis Testing (BS & MS, ETH, Fall 2017 & 2018) script typed by D. Markwalder
Statistical Inference under Shape Restriction (BS & MS, ETH, Spring 2017)
Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (BS & MS, ETH, Fall 2016)
Likelihood inference (Master, University of Zurich, Fall 2015)
Introduction à la Théorie de la Mesure (L3 - MIDO, Paris-Dauphine)
Statistiques mathématiques (L3 - MIDO, Paris-Dauphine)
Tests statistiques (Master 2 - ISF, Paris-Dauphine)
Statistiques (L2 - MIDO, Paris-Dauphine)
Research Interests
Nonparametric estimation under shape constraints
Mixture models and their applications
Unlinked regression models
Approximation theory - Splines
Empirical processes
Testing problems
Machine Learning
AI in poetry and music
Service to the scientific community
2009 - present: Associate Editor for the Electronic Journal of Statistics
2020 -: Associate Editor for Statistics and Probability Letters
2024 -: Associate Editor for Statistical Methods and Applications
2024 -: Associate Editor for Statistical Science
Students supervised or to be
Gabriella de Fournas-Labrosse (Master, 09/2017 - 01/2018)
Christopher Fragneau (PhD, 09/2017 - 06/2020 : co-supervised with Prof. C. Durot)
Yulia Kulagina (Master, 09/2017 - 01/2018 and PhD, 08/2018 - 06/2021)
Isaia Albisetti (Master, 11/2018 - 04/2019)
Maxime Lavech du Bos (Master, 11/2018 - 04/2019)
Lilian Mueller (Master, 09/2019 - 01/2020) (Winner of the ETH-medal for outstanding Master's thesis)
Anja L. Wiegel (Master, 03/2020 - 08/2020)
Harald Besdziek (PhD, 12/2020 - 06/2024)
Andrei Kolar (Master, 02/2021 - 06/2021)
Skander Stephan (Master, 10/2021 - 03/2022)
Maria Fuellemann (Master 10/2021 - 03/2022)
Zihao Zhang (Master, 02/2022 - 07/2022)
Francesco Brivio (Master, 03/2022 - 08/2022)
Romain Therezien (Master, 09/2022 - 02/2023)
Hanchen Gu (Master, 03/2023 - 08/2023)
Lukas Looser (Master, 03/2023 - 08/2023)
Afroditi Iliadis (Master, 03/2023 - 08/2023)
Paul Regnier (Master, 03/2023 - 08/2023)
Antonio Di Noia (PhD, 09/2023 - : co-supervised with Prof. A. Mira)
Jonathan Steffani (Master, 10/2023 - 03/2024)
Justine Leclerc (Master, 10/2024 - 03/2025)
Working Papers
A deconvolution problem with parametric rate of convergence: The unlinked linear regression.
(with C. Durot)
Calibration of the multisite sceptical p-value.
(with L. Held and S. Pawel)
Maximum Likelihood estimation in unlinked linear regression models.
(with M. Slawski and J. Steffani)
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Publications and Accepted Papers |
F. Balabdaoui, N. Dittmann-Domenichini, H. Grosse, C. Schlienger and G. Kortemeyer (2024)
A survey on student's use of AI at a technical university, Discov Educ 3, 51.
M. Azadkia and F. Balabdaoui (2024)
Linear regression with unmatched data: a deconvolution perspective, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 25(197), 1-55.
F. Balabdaoui, T. Wiezrbicki and E. Bao (2024)
Reconstruction of the real 3D shape of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Biophysical Journal 123(10), 1297-1310.
F. Balabdaoui, A. Henzi and L. Looser (2024)
Estimation and convergence rates in the distributional single index models, Statistica Neerlandica
C. Fragneau, F. Balabdaoui, C. Durot and S. Stephan (2024)
Rates of convergence of the constrained least squares estimator in high-dimensional single index models, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 1-25.
F. Balabdaoui and H. Besdziek (2023)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the log-concave compoment in a semi-parametric mixture with a standard normal density, Journal of Planning and Statistical Inference 230, 106113.
C. Micheloud, F. Balabdaoui and L. Held (2023)
Assessing replicability with the sceptical p-value: Type-I error control and sample size planning, Statistica Neerlandica DOI:10.1111/stan.12312
T. Brack, J. Fankhauser, B. Zybach, F. Balabdaoui, S. Blunier, S. Kaufmann, F. Palmegiano, D. Scheiwiller, J.-C. Tomasina and J. Dual (2023)
Dynamic gravitational excitation of structural resonances in the hertz regime using two rotating bars, Communications Physics 6(1), 270.
F. Balabdaoui and Y. Kulagina (2023)
Randomly generated lyrics using mixture models: The poem that Frank Sinatra never sang, Journal of Mathematics and the Arts DOI: 10.1080/17513472.2023.2186727
F. Balabdaoui, C. Durot and H. K. Jankowski (2023)
Behavior of the monotone single index model under repeated measurements, The Indian Journal of Statistics 85, 324-350.
F. Balabdaoui, A. Kolar, Y. Kulagina and L. Mueller (2022)
Estimation of the complexity of a finite mixture distribution: from well- to less known methods, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 16, 60.
A. Weigel, F. Balabdaoui, Y. Kulagina, and L. Mueller (2022)
mixComp: An R package for estimating complexity of a mixture, The Journal of Open Source Software 7(74), 4354.
T. Brack, B. Zybach, F. Balabdaoui, S. Kaufmann, F. Palmegiano, J.-C. Tomasian, S. Blunier, D. Scheiwiller, J. Fankhauser and J. Dual (2022).
Dynamic measurement of gravitational coupling between reasonating beams in the hertz regime, Nature Physics 18, 952–957.
F. Balabdaoui and Y. Kulagina (2021)
The Enigma behind the Good-Turing's formula, Snapshots of Modern Mathematics from Oberwolfach.
F. Balabdaoui, C. Doss and C. Durot (2021)
Unlinked monotone regression, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 22, 1-60.
F. Balabdaoui, C. Durot and C. Fragneau (2021)
On the population least-squares criterion in the monotone single index model, Statistica Neerlandica 75, 408-436.
F. Balabdaoui and P. Groeneboom (2021)
Profile least squares estimators in the monotone single index model, Advances in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics 3-22.
F. Balabdaoui and D. Mohr (2020)
Age-stratified discrete compartment model of the COVID-19 epidemic with applications to Switzerland, Nature-Scientific Reports 10:21306.
I. Albisetti. F. Balabdaoui and H. Holzmann (2020)
Testing for spherical and elliptical symmetry, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 180:104667.
F. Balabdaoui and Y. Kulagina (2020)
Complete monotone distributions: mixing, approximation and estimation of number of species, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 150:107014.
M. Lavech, F. Balabdaoui and J. Heidenreich (2020)
Modeling strain-stress curves with neural networks: a scalable alternative to the return mapping algorithm, Computational Materials Science. 178, 1-10.
F. Balabdaoui and G. de Fournas-Labrosse (2020)
Least squares estimation of a completely monotone pmf: From Analysis to Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 206, 55-71.
F. Balabdaoui, G. de Fournas-Labrosse and J. Giguelay (2019)
Multiple monotonicity of discrete distributions: The case of the Poisson model, Electronic Journal of Statistics 13, 1744-1758.
F. Balabdaoui, P. Groeneboom and K. Hendrickx (2019)
Score estimation in the monotone single index model, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 46, 517-544.
F. Balabdaoui, C. Durot and H. Jankowski (2019)
Least squares estimation in the monotone single index model, accepted in Journal of Bernoulli .
F. Balabdaoui and C. Doss (2018)
Inference for a mixture of symmetric distributions under log-concavity, Journal of Bernoulli 24, 1053-1071.
F. Balabdaoui, C. Durot and F. Koladjo (2018)
Testing convexity of a discrete distribution, Statistics and Probability Letters 137, 8-13.
F. Balabdaoui (2017)
Revisiting the Hodges-Lehmann estimator in a location mixture model: is asymptotic normality good enough?, Electronic Journal of Statistics 11, 4563-4595.
W. Wei, F.Balabdaoui and L. Held (2017)
Calibration tests for multivariate Gaussian forecasts, Journal of multivariate analysis 154, 216-233.
F. Balabdaoui, C. Durot and F. Koladjo (2017)
On asymptotics of the discrete convex LSE of a pmf, Journal of Bernoulli 23, 1449-1480.
F. Balabdaoui and S. Basu (2016)
Letter to the Editor. Comments on Groparu-Cojocaru and Doray (2013), Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 46, 3833-3840.
F. Balabdaoui and H. K. Jankowski (2016)
Maximum Likelihood estimation of a unimodal probability mass function, Statistica Sinica . 26, 1061-1086.
F. Balabdaoui and C. Durot (2015)
Marshall lemma in discrete convex estimation, Statistics and Probability Letters 99, 143-148.
F. Balabdaoui and C. Butucea (2014)
On location mixtures with Polya frequency components, Statistics and Probability Letters 95, 144-149.
F. Balabdaoui (2014)
Global convergence of the log-concave MLE when the truth is geometric, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 26, 21-59.
F. Balabdaoui and J. A. Wellner (2014)
Chernoff's density is log-concave, Journal of Bernoulli 20, 231-244.
N. Akakpo, F. Balabdadoui and C. Durot (2014)
Testing monotonicity via local least concave majorants, Journal of Bernoulli 20, 514-544.
F. Balabdaoui (2013)
Discussion on "How to find an appropriate clustering for mixed type variables with application to socio-economic stratification" by Christian Henning and Tim Liao, JRSS-C 62, 309-369.
F. Balabdaoui, H. Jankowski, K. Rufibach and M. Pavlides (2013)
Asymptotic distribution of the discrete log-concave MLE and related applications, JRSS-B 75, 769-790.
F. Balabdaoui and K. Filali (2012)
Efficient computation of the cdf of the distribution of the maximal difference between a Brownian bridge and its concave majorant, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82, 405-418.
F. Balabdaoui and J. Pitman (2011)
The distribution of the maximal difference between Brownian bridge and its concave majorant, Bernoulli 17, 466-483.
F. Balabdaoui, H. Jankowski, M. Pavlides, A.Seregin and J. A. Wellner (2011)
On the Grenander estimator at zero, Statistica Sinica 21, 873--899.
L.Held, K. Rufibach and F. Balabadaoui (2010)
A score regression approach to assess calibration of continuous probabilistic predictions, Biometrics 66, 1295-1305.
F. Balabdaoui, K. Rufibach and F. Santambrogio (2010)
Least Squares estimation of two ordered monotone regression curves, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 22, 1019-1037.
Balabdaoui, F. and Wellner J. A. (2010)
Estimation of a k-monotone density: characterizations, consistency and minimax lower bounds, Statistica Neerlandica 64, 45-70.
Balabdaoui, F., Bissantz, K., Bissantz, N. and Holzmann, H. (2010)
Demonstrating single- and multiple currents through the E. coli-SecYEG-pore:Testing for the number of modes of noisy observations, JASA and Case Studies 105, 136-146.
F. Balabdaoui, M. Mielke and A. Munk (2009)
The likelihood ratio test for non-standard hypotheses near the boundary on the null-with application to the assessment of non-inferiority, Statistics and Decisions 24, 75-92.
Balabdaoui, F., Rufibach, K. and Wellner, J. A. (2009)
Limit distribution theory for maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density, Annals of Statistics 37, 1299-1331
Balabdaoui, F. and Rufibach, K. (2008)
A second Marshall inequality in convex estimation, Statistics and Probability Letters 78(2), 118-126
Balabdaoui, F. and Wellner, J. A. (2007)
Estimation of a k-monotone density: limit distribution theory and the Spline connection, Annals of Statistics 35, 2536-2564 .
Balabdaoui, F. and Wellner, J. A. (2007)
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz theorem for convex densities, IMS LectureNotes 55, 1-31.
Balabdaoui, F. (2007)
Consistent estimation of a convex density at the origin, Mathematical Methods of Statistics 16, 77-95.
Tilmann Gneiting, Fadoua Balabdaoui and Adrian E. Raftery (2007)
Probabilistic forecasts, calibration and sharpness, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 69, 1-26.
Raftery, A., Gneiting, T., Balabdaoui, F. and Polakowski, M. (2005)
Using Bayesian Model Averaging to Calibrate Forecast Ensembles, Monthly Weather Review 133, 1155-1174.
Balabdaoui,F., Bocquet-Appel, J.-P., Lajaunie C. and Irudaya Rajan S (2001).
Space-time evolution of the fertility transition in India, 1961-1991, International Journal of Population Geography 7, 129-148. | |