Oh! Anything you say Can't just stay away But now I cry to be with you You're young, so young ----------------------------- Used to sing love 'n had Lots of magic and charm You break my heart and I can't Really pin you down ----------------------------- I walk through all the snow Tide starts to rise Broke with a dish full of pennies Troubles surround ----------------------------- That caution in my soul I have to carry at times How to be merry once again I'm old, he's young ----------------------------- I love the rhythm of your feet Said ‘People, hush! I can't hear!’ Is there still hope? I'm old, you're young ------------------------------- You're young, so young Permission to resume by myself Be happy here See what’s true worth in this life Desire kicks I try now to sit But then have to slide -------------------------------- Debutantes aglow with blame I bought roses for you Now riding away (with no fame at all) I'm old, and he's young -------------------------------- I had to stay away taking it easy, for Heaven's sake Have lost track of you You're young, so young ---------------------------------