Spring 2022 – Topology optimization of engineering systems


Some help for installing FreeFEM on your machine

For developing and running some topology optimization test cases, you will need to be able to run FreeFEM on your machine. The installation is a bit delicate depending on your configuration. You can either:

Once you have a working FreeFEM installation, you can check it by running

$ FreeFem++
FreeFem++ - version 4.1 (Tue 22 Feb 2022 10:08:09 AM CET - git v4.10) 64bits
License: LGPL 3+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)
Usage: FreeFem++ [FreeFEM arguments] filename [script arguments]
FreeFEM arguments:
    -f:     [filename]  script file name
    -v:     [verbosity] level of FreeFEM output (0 - 1000000)
    -nw:                no graphics
    -wg:                with graphics
    -ne:                no edp script output
    -cd:                change directory to script directory
    -cdtmp:             change directory to /tmp
    -jc:                just compile
    -ns:                same as -ne
    -nowait:            do not wait graphics at the end
    -nc:                without console (MS Windows only)
    -log:               with console (MS Windows only)
    -wait:              wait graphics at the end
    -fglut: [filename]  redirect graphics in file
    -glut:  [command]   use custom glut
    -gff:   [command]   use custom glut (with space quoting)
    -check_plugin [filename]        just try if the plugin is correct
    -?:                 show help

with default ffglut: ffglut

FreeFEM website: https://freefem.org/
FreeFEM documentation: https://doc.freefem.org/
FreeFEM forum: https://community.freefem.org/
FreeFEM modules: https://modules.freefem.org/

Please cite us in your research papers and add a link to FreeFEM on your personal website
    AUTHOR = {Hecht, F.},
    TITLE = {New development in FreeFem++},
    JOURNAL = {J. Numer. Math.},
    FJOURNAL = {Journal of Numerical Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {20}, YEAR = {2012},
    NUMBER = {3-4}, PAGES = {251--265},
    ISSN = {1570-2820},
    MRCLASS = {65Y15},
    MRNUMBER = {3043640},
    URL = {https://freefem.org/}

I then recommand the installation of a syntax coloring for your preferred editor, check the pages