Finance and Stochastics: Forthcoming papers
- already available on Springer's Online First page
- in press:
- more accepted papers:
- Ichiba, T., Pang, G. and Taqqu, M.S. Semimartingale properties of a generalised fractional Brownian motion and its mixtures with applications in asset pricing
- Boyarchenko, S. and Levendorskii, S. Efficient evaluation of expectations of functions of a Lévy process and its extremum
- Tangpi, L. and Wang, S. Optimal bubble riding: A mean field game with varying entry times
- Cuchiero, C., Primavera, F. and Svaluto-Ferro, S. Universal approximation theorems for continuous functions of càdlàg paths and Lévy-type signature models
- Cont, R., Micheli, A. and Neuman, E. Fast and slow optimal trading with exogenous information
- Costa, M., Gadat, S. and Huang, L. CV@R penalized portfolio optimisation with biased stochastic mirror descent
- Liang, Z., Liu, Y. and Zhang, L. A framework of state-dependent utility optimisation with general benchmarks
- Carassus, L. and Wiesel, J. Strategies with minimal norm are optimal for expected utility maximisation under high model ambiguity
- Robertson, S. Equilibrium with heterogenous information flows
- Das, B. and Fasen-Hartmann, V. Measuring risk contagion in financial networks with CoVaR
- Goldberg, L.R., Gurdogan, H. and Kercheval, A. Portfolio optimisation via strategy-specific eigenvector shrinkage
- Černý, A. and Czichowsky, C. The law of one price in quadratic hedging and mean–variance portfolio selection
- Herdegen, M., Hobson, D. and Jerome, J. Proper solutions for Epstein-Zin stochastic differential utility
- Behme, A. Volatility modeling in a Markovian environment: two Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-related approaches
- Bayer, C., Pelizzari, L. and Schoenmakers, J. Primal and dual optimal stopping with signatures
- Crépey, S., Frikha, N. and Louzi, A. A multilevel stochastic approximation algorithm for value-at-risk and expected shortfall estimation
- Alvarez, G.A. and Nadtochiy, S. Optimal contract design via relaxation: application to the problem of brokerage fee for a client with private signal
- Junike, G., Stier H., and Christiansen, M. Profit and loss decomposition in continuous time and approximations
- Ekren, I., Mostowski, B. and Zitkovic, G. Kyle’s model with stochastic liquidity
- Bladt, M., Minca, A. and Peralta, O. Approximations of semi-Markov processes and insurance policy valuation
- Di Nunno, G. and Yurchenko-Tytarenko, A. Sandwiched Volterra volatility model: Markovian approximations and hedging
Last update
Jean-Luc Pfisterer