1984 - 1986: University of Basel, Switzerland, studies in Mathematics, Philosophy and Physics.
1986 - 1990: University of Zürich, Switzerland, studies in Mathematics and Computer Science.
November 1990: M.S. in Mathematics at the University of Zürich, Switzerland (advisor Prof. Hans Läuchli).
November 1994: Dr.sc.math., ETH-Zürich, Switzerland.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Haim Judah (Bar-Ilan University, Israel).
Jury: Prof. H. Läuchli, Prof. E. Engeler, Prof. W. Hunziker.
July 1991 - October 1995: Assistant of mathematics at the ETH Zürich (Switzerland).
April 1997 - September 1997: Assistant of mathematics at the ETH Zürich (Switzerland).
October 2000 - March 2001: Professorship replacement in Mathematics at the University of Basel (Switzerland).
March 2001 - June 2005: Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast (Northern Ireland).
2009 - 2014: Lehrbeauftragter at the University of Zürich (Switzerland).
Since 2014: Lecturer at the ETH Zürich (Switzerland).
November 1995 - April 1997: Post-doctorate research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds) for research in set theory at the University of Caen (Normandy, France).
November 1997 - September 1998: Post-doctorate research grant from the Institut d'Estudis Catalans for research in set theory at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain).
November 1998 - September 2000: Post-doctorate research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds) for research in set theory at the University of California at Berkeley (California, U.S.A.).
Member of the Association for Symbolic Logic, the London Mathematical Society, the American Mathematical Society, and of the Swiss Mathematical Society.