# Placement of queens (3. 4. 06) # Functions to solve the problems f.queen.det <- function(n,draw=TRUE) { ## Purpose: safe placement of n queens on a n x n chess board ## by a deterministic algorithm ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 26 Oct 2001, 12:20 m <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=n) # matrix of allowed positions # 0 if a position is in conflict with placements in previous rows or # if we have already tried to place a queen at this position # Start by placing the first queen at (1,1) p <- c(1,rep(0,n-1)) # p[i]=column index where queen in row i is placed m[1,1] <- 0 npos <- 1 # number of placements made so far j <- 1 #index of current row while (j < n) { j <- j+1 #go to next row m[j,] <- 1 #all columns allowed in row i at the beginning. # Find the columns which are in conflict with previous rows m[j,p[1:(j-1)]] <- 0 # conflicts along a column ind <- p[1:(j-1)] + ((j-1):1) ind <- ind[ind <= n] m[j,ind] <- 0 #conflicts along one diagonal ind <- p[1:(j-1)] - ((j-1):1) ind <- ind[ind > 0] m[j,ind] <- 0 #conflicts along the other diagonals if (all(m[j,]==0)) { # conflicts everywhere in row j j <- j-1 # go back one row while (all(m[j,]==0)) { # continue to go back if conflicts everywhere p[j] <- 0 # remove queens that have been placed in such rows j <- j-1 } } p[j] <- min((1:n)[m[j,]==1]) # place a queen at the first possible place m[j,p[j]] <- 0 # take into account that this position has been tried npos <- npos + 1 #increase number of placements made so far. } if (draw) { plot(p[n:1]-0.5,(1:n)-0.5,xlim=c(0,n),ylim=c(0,n),xaxs="i",yaxs="i", xlab="",ylab="",pch=15) for (j in (1:(n-1))){ abline(v=j) abline(h=j)} } npos } f.queen <- function(n,draw=TRUE) { ## Purpose: safe placement of n queens on a n x n chess board ## by a deterministic or randomized algorithm ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Variables: m = matrix of allowed positions, value = 0 ## if a position is in conflict with placements in ## previous rows or if we have already tried to place a ## queen at this position ## p = vector of columns where the queen is placed ## used = indicator whether in one row all possibilities ## have been tried. ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 26 Oct 2001, 12:20 m <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=n) j <- 0 # number of queens placed currently p <- rep(NA,n) npos <- 0 # number of placements made so far used <- rep(FALSE,n) while (j < n) { j <- max((1:(j+1))[used[1:(j+1)]==FALSE]) # in which row is the next queen placed? ind <- (1:n)[m[j,]==1] # find all allowed columns in row j # choosing k = column where new queen is placed if (length(ind)==1) { k <- ind used[j] <- TRUE # no further possibilities in row j } else { # k <- min(ind) # deterministic choice k <- sample(ind, 1) # random choice } p[j:n] <- c(k,rep(NA,n-j)) #place queen in column k of row j m[j,k] <- 0 # position k in row j has now been tried npos <- npos + 1 #increase number of placements made so far. # Find the columns in row j+1 which are in conflict with previous rows if (j 0] m[j+1,ind] <- 0 #conflicts along the other diagonals used[j+1] <- all(m[j+1,]==0) #check if at least one possibility remains } } if (draw) { plot(p[n:1]-0.5,(1:n)-0.5,xlim=c(0,n),ylim=c(0,n),xaxs="i",yaxs="i", xlab="",ylab="",pch=15) for (j in (1:(n-1))){ abline(v=j) abline(h=j)} } npos } f.queen.rand <- function(n,draw=TRUE,nstop=101) { ## Purpose: safe placement of n queens on a n x n chess board ## by a randomized algorithm with restarting option ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: nstop = threshold for restarting ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 26 Oct 2001, 12:20 ## modified April 3, 2006 npos1 <- 0 # Total number of all placements weiter <- TRUE # do we need to continue ? while (weiter) { m <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=n) # same meaning as in f.queen.det p <- rep(0,n-1) # same meaning as in f.queen.det p[1] <- ceiling(runif(1)*n) # random position in first row npos2 <- 1 # number of placements in this attempt m[1,p[1]] <- 0 # we have tried this position j <- 1 while ((j < n) & (npos2 < nstop)) { j <- j+1 # go to next row m[j,] <- 1 m[j,p[1:(j-1)]] <- 0 # Find the forbidden positions in row j ind <- p[1:(j-1)] + ((j-1):1) ind <- ind[ind <= n] m[j,ind] <- 0 ind <- p[1:(j-1)] - ((j-1):1) ind <- ind[ind > 0] m[j,ind] <- 0 if (all(m[j,]==0)) { # no placement possible in row j j <- j-1 #go back one row while (all(m[j,]==0)) { # go further back if necessary p[j] <- 0 # remove the queens in row j j <- j-1 } } ind <- (1:n)[m[j,]==1] # find all allowed columns in row j if (length(ind)==1) p[j] <- ind # put a queen at one of these columns else p[j] <- sample(ind,1) m[j,p[j]] <- 0 # we have now tried this position npos2 <- npos2 + 1 # increase the number of placements in this attempt } npos1 <- npos1+npos2 # increase the total number of placements if (j==n) weiter <- FALSE # if placement was in row n we are done } if (draw) { plot(p[n:1]-0.5,(1:n)-0.5,xlim=c(0,n),ylim=c(0,n),xaxs="i",yaxs="i", xlab="",ylab="",pch=15) for (j in (1:(n-1))){ abline(v=j) abline(h=j)} } npos1 } # try it out ! Interesting cases n=8,16,20; n=22,28,29,30 take very long f.queen.det(8) f.queen.rand(8) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for (i in (5:8)) f.queen.det(i) # compare the number of placements required pos <- rep(0,26) for (i in (5:30)) pos[i-4] <- f.queen.rand(i,draw=FALSE,nstop=101) for (i in (5:30)) pos[i-4] <- f.queen.rand(i,draw=FALSE) for (i in (5:20)) pos[i-4] <- f.queen.det(i,draw=FALSE) # see the gains of restarting (vary the value nstop) erg <- rep(0,100) for (i in (1:100)) erg[i] <- f.queen.rand(25,draw=FALSE,nstop=10001) sort(erg) mean(erg) sqrt(var(erg))