# Wavelets: There are several packages in R for wavelet analysis: # wavelets, waveslim, wavethresh. # I show here the use of some simple functions (wavelet transform and # its inverse, plotting the wavelet coefficients and the # wavelet decomposition with the "least asymmetric Daubechies L=8 wavelets" x <- ts(scan(url("http://stat.ethz.ch/Teaching/Datasets/ecg.dat"))) # Electrocardiagram measurements during the normal sinus rhythm of a patient # who occasionally experiences arythmia. Data are in units of millivolts # and the sampling interval is 1/180 seconds. Aus Percival&Walden (2000). par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(x) spec.pgram(x) spec.pgram(x,spans=c(7,7)) spec.pgram(x,spans=c(15,15)) f.haar(x,6) #filter coefficients of the "least asymmetric Daubechies L=8 wavelets" g <- c(-0.0757657147893407,-0.0296355276459541,0.4976186676324578, 0.8037387518052163,0.2978577956055422,-0.0992195435769354, -0.0126039672622612,0.0322231006040713) h <- g[8:1]*(-1)^(0:7) # Checking the orthogonality relations sum(g) sum(g[1:6]*g[3:8]) sum(g[1:4]*g[5:8]) sum(g[1:2]*g[7:8]) sum(h) sum(h[1:6]*h[3:8]) sum(h[1:4]*h[5:8]) sum(h[1:2]*h[7:8]) sum(h*g) sum(h[1:6]*g[3:8]) sum(g[1:6]*h[3:8]) sum(h[1:4]*g[5:8]) sum(g[1:4]*h[5:8]) sum(h[1:2]*g[7:8]) sum(g[1:2]*h[7:8]) #Transfer functions f.transfer <- function(coef,freq) { ## Purpose: Computing the transfer function \sum coeff(u)*exp(-i*freq*u) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: coef=filter coefficients, freq=frequency ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 2 Dec 96, 11:11 p <- length(coef)-1 z <- (cos(freq*2*pi)+sin(freq*2*pi)*1i) a <- outer(z,0:p,FUN="^") a%*%coef } freq <- seq(0,0.5,0.01) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) htransf <- f.transfer(h,freq) gtransf <- f.transfer(g,freq) plot(freq,Mod(htransf),type="l",xlab="Frequenz",ylab="Amplitude") lines(freq,Mod(gtransf),col=2) plot(freq,Arg(htransf),type="l",xlab="Frequenz",ylab="Phase") lines(freq,Arg(gtransf), col=2) # Filtering with coefficients g dampens the high frequencies # and amplifies the low frequencies (low-pass filter), and # vice versa for h. # Both have a linear phase shift. # wavelet transformation f.wavelet <- function(x,j0,h,g) { ## Purpose: Computing the wavelet transform ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: x=data (if length is not a power of 2, values at the end are ## removed) ## j0=coarsest level to be computed ## h,g=coefficients for the wavelet transform ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 29 Apr 96, modified 13 Dec 2000 jstar <- floor(log(length(x),2)) n <- 2^jstar x <- x[1:n] m <- n m2 <- n for (i in (1:j0)){ m <- m/2 a <- filter(x[1:m2],g,circular=T)[2*(1:m)] d <- filter(x[1:m2],h,circular=T)[2*(1:m)] x[1:m2] <- c(a,d) m2 <- m} x } w <- f.wavelet(x,6,h,g) #Plotting of the wavelet coefficients f.waveplot <- function(x,w,j0) { ## Purpose: plotting of wavelet coefficients and original series ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: x = series, w = wavelet coefficients, j0=coarsest scale ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 14 Dec 2000, 10:15 par(mfrow=c(j0+2,1),mar=c(2,6,2,2)) n <- length(w) l <- n/2^j0 plot(w[1:l],type="h", xlab="",ylab="appr") abline(h=0) m <- l for (i in (j0:1)){ plot(w[(m+1):(m+l)],type="h",xlab="t",ylab="det") abline(h=0) m <- m+l l <- 2*l} plot(x,type="l",xlab="",ylab="x") } f.waveplot(x,w,6) # Inverse wavelet transform f.waveletinv <- function(w,j0,h,g) { ## Purpose: computing the inverse wavelet transform ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: w=sequence, containing the wavelet coefficients ## j0=coarsest level used in the transform ## h,g=filter coefficients of the wavelet transforms ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 30 Apr 96, modified Dec 14, 2000 jstar <- floor(log(length(w),2)) n <- 2^jstar w <- w[1:n] m <- 2^(jstar-j0) m2 <- m for (i in (1:j0)){ m2 <- 2*m vp <- rep(0,m2) vp[2*(1:m)] <- w[1:m] vp <- vp[m2:1] wp <- rep(0,m2) wp[2*(1:m)] <- w[(m+1):m2] wp <- wp[m2:1] w[m2:1] <- filter(vp,g,circular=T)+filter(wp,h,circular=T) m <- m2} w } # Testing that one is the inverse of the other w <- f.wavelet(x,6,h,g) max(abs(x-f.waveletinv(w,6,h,g))) # Plotting the mother wavelet by setting all wavelet coefficients except one # to zero. y <- f.waveletinv(c(rep(0,11),1,rep(0,2036)),8,h,g) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(y,type="l") # Decomposition of a time series into components with different scales. f.wavemra <- function(x,j0,h,g) { ## Purpose: Computing and plotting of a multiresolution analysis ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: x=series of length 2^jstar ## j0=scale of the coarsest approximation ## h,g=filter coefficients of the wavelet ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 14 Dec 2000, 09:46 jstar <- floor(log(length(x),2)) n <- 2^jstar x <- x[1:n] w <- f.wavelet(x,j0,h,g) l <- n l2 <- n d <- matrix(0,nrow=j0+1,ncol=n) for (i in (1:j0)){ l <- l/2 v <- c(rep(0,l),w[(l+1):l2],rep(0,n-l2)) d[i,] <- f.waveletinv(v,i,h,g) l2 <- l} v <- c(w[1:l],rep(0,n-l)) d[j0+1,] <- f.waveletinv(v,j0,h,g) par(mfrow=c(j0+2,1),mar=c(2,6,2,2)) plot(d[j0+1,],type="l",xlab="",ylab="appr") for (i in (j0:1)) { plot(d[i,],type="l",xlab="",ylab="det")} plot(x[1:n],type="l",xlab="",ylab="x") } f.wavemra(x,6,h,g) #same thing with Haar wavelets x11() f.haar(x,6) f.haar <- function(x,j0) { ## Purpose: Computing and plotting the Haar approximation of scale j0 ## and the details for finer scales ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Hans-Ruedi Kuensch, Date: 13 Dec 2000, 16:37 n <- (length(x)%/%2^j0)*2^j0 a <- matrix(0,nrow=j0+1,ncol=n) a[1,] <- x[1:n] y <- a[1,] l <- n b <- 1 for (i in (1:j0)){ l <- l/2 b <- 2*b y <- 0.5*(y[2*(1:l)-1]+y[2*(1:l)]) a[i+1,] <- rep(y,rep(b,l))} par(mfrow=c(j0+2,1),mar=c(2,6,2,2)) plot(a[j0+1,],type="l",xlab="",ylab="appr") for (i in (j0:1)) { plot(a[i,]-a[i+1,],type="l",xlab="",ylab="det")} plot(a[1,],type="l",xlab="",ylab="x") }