SAM Upload Tool

The SAM Upload Tool (SUT) can be reached at Please contact if you are the head assistant of a lecture and want to use the tool.

The student interface

The student interface is accessible to students (within the ETH network, e.g., with VPN). Each student can upload their solution for specific exercise sheet. After uploading one or multiple documents the student sees a list of all files they’ve currently uploaded. They can remove the files and download a zip of their submission for safe keeping.

Once a TA has uploaded a corrections, a green banner appears at the top of the list of submitted files. The page then looks something like this.

The TA interface

The TA interface is only available to TAs. A TA is only shown the submissions of their students. They can download them in bulk or individually. They can upload their corrections. A tick will be displayed if anything has been uploaded. A cross will be displayed if the most recent submission of the student has not been downloaded by anyone.

Filenames are restricted to alphanumeric letters, dots and underscores and hyphens. In particular spaces are not permitted. Relaxing this condition is very dangerous, since even if SUT escapes all filenames properly, there is no such guarantee for backup scripts or any scripts a TA might write.

If the student code requires filenames with banned characters, they can upload an archive instead.

Folders can not be uploaded easily using PHP. Therefore, if the student needs to upload an entire folder they must upload an archive instead.


Using SUT as an organizer


If you’re an organizer of a lecture and you want to use SUT, you should contact with the following information:

  1. A list with all the submission entities you need, e.g. Serie 1, …, Serie 13 plus Fokusprojekt 1-5. This depends on the needs of your lecture.

  2. A list of all nethz account names of people allowed to see all submissions. Typically this is the organizer and sometimes the lecturer. The nethz account name is your ETH username, e.g. lucg for Luc Grosheintz. You do not need to list all TAs since the tool has access to them through an interface to edoz.

  3. After you’ve been informed that everything is set up, you should inform the TAs and students.

Please also ensure that all TAs are correctly assigned to their exercise classes on edoz. Please remind the students that they need to pick an exercise class on mystudies in order to be permitted to hand in their assignments.

Resolving disputes

SUT has the following features to help settle disputes: