With the support of
the Forschungsinstitut für
Mathematik of ETH Zürich, we are organizing a conference on the
topic of Analytic Aspects of Number Theory. This conference will
highlight some of the very best achievements and research directions
in arithmetic that involve some analytic aspects in company with other
tools or ideas, including interactions between number theory and areas
of modern mathematics like algebraic geometric and automorphic forms,
geometric group theory, probability theory, harmonic analysis and
theoretical computer science.
The titles and abstracts of the talks are available on the FIM page. The schedule can be found here.
Speakers and participants include
J. Bellaďche
Brandeis University; link to slides
C. David
Condordia University
W. Duke
N.M. Katz
Princeton University (TBC)
A. Kontorovich
Rutgers University
A. Lubotzky
Hebrew University
K. Matomäki
Turku University
J. Maynard
R. Munshi
Tata Institute
P. Nelson
ETH Zürich
M. Radziwiłł
Université de Montréal and Rutgers University
D. Ramakrishnan
Z. Rudnick
Tel Aviv University
J-P. Serre
Collčge de France
C. Skinner
Princeton University
A. Shankar
K. Soundararajan
Stanford University
N. Templier
Cornell University
I. Wigman
King's College London