With the support of the Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik
of ETH Zürich, we are organizing a conference on groups, spaces and geometries, which will honor Alessandra Iozzi's
birthday. The registration page and other practical information are available on the FIM web page of the conference.
List of speakers
S. Baader Universität Bern
Y. Benoist Université Paris Sud
S. Bradlow University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M. Bucher Université de Genčve
M. Burger ETH Zürich
P.E. Caprace Université de Louvain
V. Charette Université de Sherbrooke
R. Charney Brandeis University
I. Chatterji Université de Nice
D. Fisher University of Indiana
B. Goldman University of Maryland
D. Hulin Université Paris Sud
G. Kuhn Universitŕ degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
F. Labourie Université de Nice
N. Lazarovich Technion
N. Monod EPF Lausanne
S. Mozes Hebrew University
A. Nevo Technion
A. Sisto ETH Zürich
K. Vogtmann Warwick University