Selected preprints and publications of Urs Lang
- (with Cornelia Druţu, Panos Papasoglu, & Stephan Stadler) Minimal tetrahedra and an isoperimetric gap theorem in non-positive curvature,
preprint (link to arXiv)
(with Martina Jørgensen) A combinatorial higher-rank hyperbolicity condition,
Comment. Math. Helvetici 99 (2024), 613-639 (open access)
(with Tommaso Goldhirsch) Characterizations of higher rank hyperbolicity,
Math. Z. 305 (2023), Art. No. 13, 26 pp. (open access)
(with Martina Jørgensen) Geodesic spaces of low Nagata dimension,
Ann. Fenn. Math. 47 (2022), 83-88 (open access)
(with Bruce Kleiner) Higher rank hyperbolicity,
preprint (link to arXiv), Invent. Math. 221 (2020), 597-664 (open access, view-only)
(with Zoltán Balogh & Pierre Pansu) Lipschitz extensions of maps between Heisenberg groups,
Ann. Inst. Fourier 66 (2016), 1653-1665 (open access)
(with Dominic Descombes) Flats in spaces with convex geodesic bicombings,
Anal. Geom. Metric Spaces 4 (2016), 68-84 (open access)
(with Dominic Descombes) Convex geodesic bicombings and hyperbolicity,
preprint (link to arXiv),
Geom. Dedicata 177 (2015), 367-384
(with Maël Pavón & Roger Züst) Metric stability of trees and tight spans,
preprint (link to arXiv),
Arch. Math. (Basel) 101 (2013), 91-100
(with Viktor Schroeder) On Toponogov's comparison theorem for Alexandrov spaces,
preprint (link to arXiv),
Enseign. Math. 59 (2013), 325-336
Injective hulls of certain discrete metric spaces and groups,
preprint (link to arXiv),
J. Topol. Anal. 5 (2013), 297-331
(with Stefan Wenger) The pointed flat compactness theorem for locally integral currents,
preprint (link to arXiv),
Comm. Anal. Geom. 19 (2011), 159-189
Local currents in metric spaces,
J. Geom. Anal. 21 (2011), 683-742
(with Ilkka Holopainen & Aleksi Vähäkangas)
Dirichlet problem at infinity on Gromov hyperbolic metric measure spaces,
Math. Ann. 339 (2007), 101-134
(with Thilo Schlichenmaier)
Nagata dimension, quasisymmetric embeddings, and Lipschitz extensions,
Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2005, no. 58, 3625-3655
(with Mario Bonk)
Bi-Lipschitz parameterization of surfaces,
Math. Ann. 327 (2003), 135-169
The asymptotic Plateau problem in Gromov hyperbolic manifolds,
Calc. Var. 16 (2003), 31-46
(with Conrad Plaut)
Bilipschitz embeddings of metric spaces into space forms,
Geom. Dedicata 87 (2001), 285-307
(with Branka Pavlović & Viktor Schroeder)
Extensions of Lipschitz maps into Hadamard spaces,
Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA) 10 (2000), 1527-1553
Higher-dimensional linear isoperimetric inequalities in hyperbolic groups,
Internat. Math. Res. Notices 2000, no. 13, 709-717
(with Christoph Hummel & Viktor Schroeder)
Convex Hulls in Singular Spaces of Negative Curvature,
Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 18 (2000), 191-204
Extendability of large-scale Lipschitz maps,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 3975-3988
(with Viktor Schroeder)
Jung's Theorem for Alexandrov Spaces of Curvature Bounded Above,
Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 15 (1997), 263-275
(with Viktor Schroeder)
Kirszbraun's theorem and metric spaces of bounded curvature,
Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA) 7 (1997), 535-560
(with Viktor Schroeder)
Quasiflats in Hadamard spaces,
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 30 (1997), 339-352
Quasigeodesics Outside Horoballs,
Geom. Dedicata 63 (1996), 205-215
The trapping property of totally geodesic hyperplanes in Hadamard spaces,
Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA) 6 (1996), 689-702
(with Victor Bangert)
Trapping quasi-minimizing submanifolds in spaces of negative curvature,
Comment. Math. Helvetici 71 (1996), 122-143
Diameter bounds for convex surfaces with pinched mean curvature,
Manuscripta Math. 86 (1995), 15-22
The existence of complete minimizing hypersurfaces in hyperbolic manifolds,
Internat. J. Math. 6 (1995), 45-58
Quasi-minimizing surfaces in hyperbolic space,
Math. Z. 210 (1992), 581-592
Last updated February 7, 2025