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Office: J65, ETH Main Building (HG)
My research is in the field of extremal and probabilistic combinatorics and its applications to theoretical computer science. I'm interested in the following topics: Extremal graph and hypergraph theory, Ramsey theory, Property testing, Random graphs
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Deterministic vs
Non-deterministic Graph Property Testing
Israel Journal
of Mathematics 204 (2014), 397-416
L. Gishboliner, M. Krivelevich
and G. Kronenberg
Strictly Supercritical Random Graphs, and Coloring of Random Graphs
and Random Tournaments
Random Structures and Algorithms,
52(4) (2018), 545-559
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Removal Lemmas with Polynomial
International Math Research Notices (IMRN) 2021,
Proc of STOC 2017, 510-522
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Efficient Removal without Efficient
Combinatorica 39 (2019), 639-658
Proc of
ITCS 2018, 1-15
J. Fox, L. Gishboliner, A.
Shapira and R. Yuster
Removal Lemma for Tournaments
Journal of Combinatorial
Theory Ser. B 136 (2019), 110-134
M. Bednarska-Bzdega, O.
Ben-Eliezer, L. Gishboliner and T. Tran
the Separation Conjecture in Avoider-Enforcer Games
of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 138 (2019), 41-77
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Generalized Turan Problem and its Applications
Math Research Notices (IMRN) 11 (2020), 3417-3452
Proc of
STOC 2018, 760-772
N. Alon, I. Balla, L.
Gishboliner, A. Mond and F. Mousset
Minrank of Random Graphs over Arbitrary Fields
Journal of Mathematics, 2019, 1-15
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Testing Graphs against an Unknown
Israel Journal of Mathematics 245 (2021), 787-837
Proc of STOC 2019, 535-546
O. Ben-Eliezer, L. Gishboliner,
D. Hefetz and M. Krivelevich
Fast Construction of Bounded-Degree Spanning Graphs via the
Semi-Random Graph Process
Random Structures and
Algorithms 57 (2020), 892-919
Proc of SODA 2020, 718-737
D. Conlon, L. Gishboliner, Y.
Levanzov and A. Shapira
A New Bound
for the Brown-Erdős-Sós Problem
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser.
B, 158 (2023), 1-35
L. Gishboliner, A. Shapira and H.
Testing Linear Inequalities
of Subgraph Statistics
Random Structures and Algorithms,
58 (2021), 468-479
Proc. of ITCS 2020, 1-9
L. Gishboliner, M. Krivelevich
and P. Michaeli
Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs
Random Structures and
Algorithms, 60.3 (2022), 289-307
S. K. Bera, L. Gishboliner, Y.
Levanzov, C. Seshadhri and A. Shapira
Subgraphs in Degenerate Graphs
Journal of the ACM 69 (2022), 1-21
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Constructing Dense Grid-Free
Linear 3-Graphs
Proc. of the American Math Society 150 (2022), 69-74
L. Gishboliner, Y. Levanzov, A.
Shapira and R. Yuster
Homomorphic Cycles in Degenerate Graphs
Proc. of SODA 2022, 417-430
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, to appear
L. Gishboliner, R. Steiner and T.
Oriented Cycles in
Digraphs of Large Outdegree
Combinatorica 2022, 1-43
L. Gishboliner, R. Steiner and T.
Dichromatic Number and
Forced Subdivisions
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser.
B, 153 (2022) 1-30
L. Gishboliner
a Graph's Degree Sequence and the Testablity of Degree Sequence
L. Gishboliner, M. Krivelevich
and P. Michaeli
Discrepancies of
Spanning Trees and Hamilton Cycles
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser.
B, 154 (2022), 262-291
M. Bucić, L. Gishboliner and B.
Cycles of Many
Lengths in Hamiltonian Graphs
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2022, p. e70
L. Gishboliner, B. Sudakov and I.
Small Doubling, Atomic
Structure and ℓ-Divisible Set Families
Discrete Analysis 2022:11, 16 pp
L. Gishboliner and I. Tomon
3-Graphs with no Four Vertices Spanning Exactly Two Edges
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 54, 2117–2134, 2022.
L. Gishboliner
A characterization of easily testable induced digraphs and k-colored graphs.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 103, 103516, 2022
L. Gishboliner and I. Tomon
Removal Lemmas for Ordered Graphs
Combinatorial Theory, to appear
L. Gishboliner, M. Krivelevich
and P. Michaeli
Oriented Discrepancy of Hamilton Cycles
Journal of Graph Theory 103 (2023), 780-792
D. Bradac, L. Gishboliner, O. Janzer and B. Sudakov
Asymptotics of the Hypergraph Bipartite Turan Problem
Combinatorica, 2023, 1-18
L. Gishboliner and B. Sudakov
Maximal Chordal Subgraphs
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 32(5), 724–741, 2023
D. Bradac, L. Gishboliner and B. Sudakov
On Ramsey Size-Linear Graphs and Related Questions
Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics (SIDMA), to appear
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
Hypergraph Removal with Polynomial Bounds
L. Gishboliner, A. Shapira and Y. Wigderson
An Efficient Asymmetric Removal Lemma and its Limitations
L. Gishboliner, Z. Jin and B. Sudakov
The Minimum Degree Removal Lemma Thresholds
D. Bradac, M. Christoph and L. Gishboliner
Minimum Degree Threshold for H-factors with High Discrepancy
M. Axenovich, D. Bradac, L. Gishboliner, D. Mubayi and L. Weber
Large cliques or co-cliques in hypergraphs with forbidden order-size pairs
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, to appear
L. Gishboliner, N. Kushnir and A. Shapira
Testing versus Estimation of Graph Properties, Revisited
In Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques
(APPROX/RANDOM 2023) (pp. 46:1–46:18)
L. Gishboliner and A. Shapira
On Rodl’s Theorem for Cographs
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, to appear.
L. Gishboliner and B. Simic
Polynomial Removal Lemma for Ordered Matchings
L. Gishboliner, Z. Jin and B. Sudakov
Ramsey Problems for Monotone Paths in Graphs and Hyper-
L. Gishboliner, Y. Levanzov and A. Shapira
Trimming Forests is Hard (Unless They Are Made of
L. Gishboliner, Z. Jin and B. Sudakov
Difference-Isomorphic Graph Families
L. Gishboliner, S. Glock and A. Sgueglia
Tight Hamilton Cycles with High Discrepancy