The following R code is not even imaginable in regular R before R 3.5.0:
x <- 1:1e15
object.size(x) # 8000'000'000'000'048 bytes : 8000 TBytes -- ok, not really
## 8000000000000048 bytes
is.unsorted(x) # FALSE : i.e., R's *knows* it is sorted
## [1] FALSE
xs <- sort(x) # instantaneous !
## @6992550 14 REALSXP g0c0 [NAM(3)] 1 : 1000000000000000 (compact)
anyNA(x) # FALSE : i.e., R's *knows* it contains no NA's
## [1] FALSE
## (This does *NOT* fit on the slide:
try( l4 <- x < 4 ) # no way [in principle *could* be compacted]
x <- 10:1e15
## @7906580 14 REALSXP g0c0 [NAM(3)] 10 : 1000000000000000 (compact)