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Prof. Dr. Kaspar Nipp |
Address: |
Phone: +41 44 632 3407 |
Education: |
1974 |
M. S. in Mathematics at ETH Zürich; |
1980 |
PhD. in Mathematics at ETH Zürich in the field of singular perturbations in ordinary differential equations. |
Professional Career: |
1974 - 1980 |
Research Associate HILTI AG, Liechtenstein |
1980 - 1982 |
Assistent at the Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik ETH Zürich |
1982 - 1983 |
Research year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy N.Y., supported by a grant of the Swiss NSF |
since 1983 |
Research Associate and Lecturer at the Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik, ETH Zürich |
2003 |
Title of a Professor |
July 7 - October 15, 1998 | Visiting Professor at Lund University, Sweden |
April 16 - July 17, 2003 |
Sabbatical leave at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria |
April 26 - July 30, 2011 |
Sabbatical leave at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany |
July 31, 2014 |
Retirement |
with D. Stoffer, Lineare Algebra, eine Einführung
für Ingenieure unter besonderer Berücksichtigung numerischer
Aspekte, Vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich; 1st Edition
1992, pp. 175, (vgl. Inhaltsverzeichnis als PostScript). with D. Stoffer, Invariant Manifolds for Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,
EMS, 2013. |
Refereed Articles: |
with Ch. Lubich and D. Stoffer, Runge-Kutta solutions of stiff differential equations near stationary points, SIA M J. Numer. Anal. 32, 8 (1995). (PostScript) |
with D. Stoffer, Invariant manifolds of numerical integration schemes applied to stiff systems of singular perturbation type - Part I: RK-methods, Numer. Math., 70 (1995), pp. 245-257. (PostScript) |
with D. Stoffer, Invariant manifolds of numerical integration schemes applied to stiff systems of singular perturbation type - Part II: Linear multistep methods, Numer. Math., 74 (1996), pp. 305-323. (PostScript) |
Numerical integration of
differential algebraic systems and
invariant manifolds, BIT, 42 (2002), pp. 408-439. (Preprint
(PostScript)) |
Other Publications: |
with D. Stoffer, Attractive invariant manifolds for maps: Existence, smoothness and continuous dependence on the map, Research Report No. 92-11, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik, ETH-Zürich (1992). (PostScript) |
Smooth attractive invariant manifolds of singularly perturbed ODE's, Research Report No. 92-13, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik, ETH-Zürich (1992). (PostScript) |
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESManaging Editor of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) |
Member of the Committee for Computational Science and Engineering at ETH Zürich (Ausschuss Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften) |
Adviser of Student Studies for
the curriculum Computational Science and Engineering
(Fachberater Rechnergestützte Wissenschaften) |
Member of the Committee for the
Bachelor / Master program at the Department
of Mathematics |
Reviewing for journals (ZAMP, BIT, Computing, ...) |