Diego Colombo
Research interests
- Causal inference
- Graphical models
- Latent variables
- Validations on data sets
- Colombo D., Maathuis M.H., Kalisch M. and Richardson T.S. (2012). Learning high-dimensional directed acyclic graphs with latent and selection variables. Annals of Statistics 40, 294-321. (arXiv:1104.5617v2, published version, extended abstract for UAI2011)
- Kalisch, M., Mächler, M., Colombo, D., Maathuis, M.H. and Bühlmann, P. (2012). Causal inference using graphical models with the R package pcalg. Journal of Statistical Software 47, Issue11, 1-26. (published version)
- Maathuis, M.H., Colombo, D., Kalisch, M. and Bühlmann, P. (2010). Predicting causal effects in large-scale systems from observational data. Nature Methods 7, 247-248. (published version, supplementary information)
Submitted papers
- Maathuis, M.H. and Colombo, D. (2013). A generalized backdoor criterion. (arXiv:1307.5636v2)
- Colombo D. and Maathuis M.H. (2012). A modification of the PC algorithm yielding order-independent skeletons. (arXiv:1211.3295v2)
Talks and Posters
- Causal inference based on observational data [invited talk]
Statistical Methods for (post)-Genomics Data (SMPGD2013), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 24-25, 2013
- Learning causal information from observational data with hidden variables [contributed talk]
8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 9 - 14, 2012
- Learning causal information from observational data with hidden variables [invited talk]
Statistical and dynamical models in biology and medicine, Göttingen, Germany, October 27 - 28, 2011
- Learning high-dimensional DAGs with latent and selection variables [Poster][extended abstract]
27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 14 - 17, 2011
- Predicting causal effects in large-scale systems from observational data [Poster]
Statistical Challenges and Biomedical Applications of Deep Sequencing Data, Ascona, Switzerland, June 5 - 10, 2011
- Statistik (für Biol./Pharm. Wiss.), autumn semester 2012
- Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, spring semester 2012
- Applied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design, autumn semester 2011
- Student Seminar in Statistics: Survival Analysis, spring semester 2011
- Applied Multivariate Statistics, spring semester 2010
- Statistik (für Biol./Pharm. Wiss.), autumn semester 2009
- Angewandte statistische Regression, autumn semester 2008
- Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik (für Informatik), while a student
- Analysis I and II (für Maschinenbau), while a student
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