Seminar for Statistics

Dr. Daniel J. Stekhoven



SS12 - Applied Multivariate Statistics


AS11 - Statistik (für Biol./Pharm. Wiss.)

SS11 - Seminar in Statistics - Survival Analysis

SS10 - Computational Statistics

AS09 - Angewandte Statistische Regression

SS09 - Computational Statistics


You can find additional information and resources on my personal website.


Publications and Posters


Master Thesis

Research interest

Professional interest

Beginning of February 2012 I founded my own company called Quantik AG operating in the field of statistical consulting, data analysis and training. For more details visit our website at or write an email to us at Let us quantify your uncertainty.


Personal interest

Cooking, motorcycles, reading, parlour games (i.e. Das Schwarze Auge, Warhammer), military strategies and everything concerning Garfield. Since September 2008 my intrests focus on my little daughter Saskia.

I suggest the following books for reading: Barbecue, The Silmarillion, The God Delusion and of course all works by Terry Pratchett, Jim Davis, Joscha Sauer and Holger Aue.


Point of view

Saskia and Damon - or - the influence of the Y chromosome
Saskia and Damon - or - the influence of the Y chromosome.

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