Seminar for Statistics

Dr. Cornelia Schwierz

From February 2009 to December 2011 I worked at the Seminar for Statistics, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich, and I was part of the Team for Statistical Consulting. My particular interest is in applying my expertise as physicist and atmospheric/climate scientist to environmental problems.

Half of my time I spend at the Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystems (ITES) in the research group for Soil and Terrestrial Environmental Physics (STEP) on a project on Robust Kriging (see below).

Short Curriculum Vitae >>



Research Interests

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences

Statistical Sciences

Current Projects

Former PhD students and Projects

Further Interests

In a wider context, I am interested in the socio-economic implications of high-impact weather and climate change and sustainability issues. Some interesting links:

- Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) in Leeds

- The "Weather and Society * Integrated Studies" WAS*IS

- NCAR Societal Impacts programm

- Gapminder - a thought provoking view on the world

- Worldmapper and Worldpopulations


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