This course is intended to give an introduction to the subject of
Floer homology for Lagrangian submanifolds. This theory, introduced by
Floer in the late 1980's was originally created in order to prove the
celebrated Arnold conjecture on Lagrangian intersections. However, it
was gradually realized later on that Floer theory (and its later
extensions), is more far reaching - it gives rise to powerful
invariants of symplectic manifolds and their Lagrangian submanifolds.
Consequently this theory led to various striking applications in
different directions of symplectic topology and even outside of this
field. Moreover, it turns out that Floer theory carries very rich
algebraic structures, some of which have only recently begun to be
Trying to keep the prerequisite knowledge to a minimum we shall begin
the course with a rapid introduction to symplectic topology and list
several motivating problems on symplectic manifolds and their
Lagrangian submanifolds. We shall then go over necessary facts from
Morse theory and after that introduce the main object of the course --
Floer homology. We shall spend some time on the foundations and
technical details involved in the construction of this homology
theory, covering various geometric situations in which this theory
works, especially in the presence of holomorphic disks. We shall also
outline recent developments concerning new algebraic structures
related to Floer theory and their relations to other symplectic
invariants such as quantum homology.
The second half of the course will be devoted to applications,
computations and examples. In particular we shall present applications
to Lagrangian intersections, to problems concerning the topology of
Lagrangian submanifolds, isotopy problems, relative enumerative
geometry as well as applications to classical algebraic geometry.
People attending the course are supposed to have some basic knowledge
of algebraic topology and smooth manifolds. Knowledge of basic
symplectic geometry and of Morse theory are useful but not 100%
Zeit: Dienstag, 10:15-12
Ort: HG G 43
Beginn: 2. Oktober
M. Struwe