The broad theme for the lecture series is the value distribution of zeta and L-functions.
This is related to several important questions concerning
(i) the maximal size of L-functions,
(ii) asymptotics for moments of L-values,
(iii) the distribution of zeros, and non-vanishing
of L-functions at special points.
Further, some of the techniques used in the study of moments
have close counterparts in the understanding other problems in multiplicative number theory ---
for instance, the recent results of Harper on random multiplicative functions, and the
breakthroughs of Matomaki and Radziwill on multiplicative functions in short intervals.
Much of this work has a strong probabilistic flavor, and in particular we shall discuss
connections with random matrix theory, branching Brownian motion, etc.
Time: Thursdays
Auditorium: HG G 43
Begins: Thursday, February 27
M. Struwe