List of Publications
Z. Hunter, A. Milojevic, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Disjoint pairs in set systems and combinatorics of low rank matrices, submitted.
D. Bradac, P. Morawski, B. Sudakov and Y. Wigderson,
Ordered Ramsey numbers of graphs with $m$ edges, submitted.
Z. Hunter, A. Milojevic, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Long induced paths in K{s,s}-free graphs
, submitted
L. Gishboliner, A. Milojevic, B. Sudakov and Y. Wigderson,
Canonical Ramsey numbers of sparse graphs
, submitted
B. Janzer, R. Steiner and B. Sudakov,
Chromatic number and regular subgraphs, submitted.
N. Draganic, R. Montgomery, D. Munha Correia, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Hamiltonicity of expanders: optimal bounds and applications, submitted.
A. Milojevic, I. Tomon and B. Sudakov,
Incidence bounds via extremal graph theory, submitted.
E. Raty, B. Sudakov, I. Tomon,
Positive discrepancy, MaxCut, and eigenvalues of graphs
, submitted.
N. Alon, Z. Jin, B. Sudakov,
The Helly number of Hamming balls and related problems
, submitted.
R. Montgomery, A. Muyesser, A. Pokrovskiy, B. Sudakov,
Approximate path decompositions of regular graphs, submitted.
F. Arnold, L. Gishboliner and B. Sudakov,
Two Erdős-Hajnal-type theorems for forbidden order-size pairs, submitted.
O. Janzer, A. Methuku, A. Milojevic and B. Sudakov,
Power saving for the Brown-Erdos-Sos problem
, submitted.
D. Bradac, B. Sudakov and Y. Wigderson,
Counting subgraphs in locally dense graphs, submitted.
L. Gishboliner, J. Jin and B. Sudakov,
Difference-Isomorphic Graph Families, submitted.
S. Diskin, I. Hoshen, D. Korandi, B. Sudakov and M. Zhukovskii,
Saturation in Random Hypergraphs, submitted.
To appear
N. Draganic, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Pancyclicity of Hamiltonian graphs, J. European Math. Soc., to appear.
B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Matrix discrepancy and the log-rank conjecture,
Mathematical Programming, to appear.
Z. Hunter and B. Sudakov,
Induced Ramsey problems for trees and graphs with bounded treewidth,
Proceedings of AMS, to appear.
D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Proof of Grinblat's conjecture on rainbow matchings in multigraphs,
Israel Journal of Mathematics, to appear.
L. Gishboliner, O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
Induced subgraphs of K_r-free graphs and the Erdos-Rogers problem,
Combinatorica, to appear.
T. Hsieh, P. Kothari, S. Mohanty, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Small Even Covers, Locally Decodable Codes and Restricted Subgraphs of Edge-Colored Kikuchi Graphs,
Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2025 (2025), rnaf045.
M. Anastos, Z. Jin, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Extremal, enumerative and probabilistic results on ordered hypergraph matchings,
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 13 (2025), e55.
N. Draganic, S. Glock, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Optimal Hamilton covers and linear arboricity for random graphs,
Proceedings of AMS 153 (2025), 921-935.
D. Bradac, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey numbers of hypergraphs with a given size,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 178 (2025), 31-44.
Z. Hunter, A. Milojevic, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Kovari-Sos-Turan theorem for hereditary families, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 172 (2025), 168-197.
O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
Improved bounds for the Erdos-Rogers (s,s+2)-problem, Random Structures and Algorithms 66 (2025), e21280.
K. Katsamaktsis, S. Letzter, A. Pokrovskiy, B. Sudakov,
Ascending Subgraph Decomposition, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 173 (2025), 14-44.
S. Glock, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Hamilton cycles in pseudorandom graphs, Advances in Mathematics
458, Part B (2024), Article 109984.
D. Bradac, A. Methuku and B. Sudakov,
The extremal number of cycles with all diagonals,
Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 12 (2024), 9728-9742.
O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
On the Turán number of the hypercube, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 12 (2024), e38 1-19.
O. Janzer, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Regular subgraphs of linear hypergraphs, Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 17 (2024), 12366-12381.
D. Bradac, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
The growth rate of multicolor Ramsey numbers of 3-graphs
, Research in the Mathematical Sciences 11 (2024), article 52.
N. Draganic, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Chvatal-Erdos condition for pancyclicity, J. Association for Mathematical Research 2 (2024), 1-14.
I. Balla, O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
On MaxCut and the Lovasz theta function
, Proceedings of AMS 152 (2024), 1871-1879.
O. Janzer, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Small subgraphs with large average degree, Combinatorica 44 (2024), 785-800.
L. Gishboliner, Z. Jin and B. Sudakov,
The Minimum Degree Removal Lemma Thresholds,
J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 166 (2024), 203-221.
L. Gishboliner, Z. Jin and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey problems for monotone paths in graphs and hypergraphs
, Combinatorica 44 (2024), 509-529.
N. Draganic, A. Methuku, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Cycles with many chords
, Random Structures and Algorithms 65 (2024), 3-16.
B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Evasive sets, covering by subspaces, and point-hyperplane incidences,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 72 (2024), 1333-1347.
D. Bradac, N. Draganic and B. Sudakov,
Effective bounds for induced size-Ramsey numbers of cycles, Combinatorica 44 (2024), 1011-1039.
N. Draganic, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
A generalization of Bondy's pancyclicity theorem, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 33 (2024), pp. 554-563.
D. Bradac, L. Gishboliner and B. Sudakov,
On Ramsey size-linear graphs and related questions,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 38 (2024), 225-242.
O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
Resolution of the Erdos-Sauer problem on regular subgraphs,
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 11 (2023), e19.
M. Bucic, B. Sudakov and T. Tran,
Erdos-Szekeres theorem for multidimensional arrays,
J. European Math. Soc. 25 (2023), 2927-2947.
D. Munha Correia, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Short proofs of rainbow matching results, Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2023 (2023), 12441-12476.
S. Glock, O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
New results for MaxCut in H-free graphs, J. London Mathematical Society 108 (2023), 441-481.
D. Bradac, M. Bucic and B. Sudakov,
Turan numbers of sunflowers, Proceedings of AMS 151 (2023), 961-975.
M. Bucic, O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
Counting H-free orientations of graphs,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 174 (2023), 79–95.
D. Bradac, O. Janzer, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
The Turan number of the grid, Bull. London Math. Soc. 55 (2023), 194-204
M. Bucic and B. Sudakov,
Large independent sets from local considerations, Combinatorica 43 (2023), 505-546.
N. Draganic, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
Tight bounds for powers of Hamilton cycles in tournaments,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 158 (2023), 305-340.
M. Bucic and B. Sudakov,
Tight Ramsey bounds for multiple copies of a graph,
Advances in Combinatorics 2023:1, 22pp.
D. Bradac, L. Gishboliner, O. Janzer and B. Sudakov,
Asymptotics of the hypergraph bipartite Turan problem, Combinatorica 43 (2023), 429-446.
L. Gishboliner and B. Sudakov,
Maximal chordal subgraphs, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 32 (2023), 724-741.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Complete minors and average degree - a short proof,
J. Graph Theory 103 (2023), 599-602.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, B. Sudakov and F. Wei,
Threshold Ramsey multiplicity for paths and even cycles
, European J. Combinatorics 107 (2023), Paper No. 103612.
M. Bucic, S. Glock and B. Sudakov,
The intersection spectrum of $3$-chromatic intersecting hypergraphs,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 124 (2022), 680-690.
B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
The extremal number of tight cycles,
Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2022 (2022), 9663–9684.
P. Keevash, A. Pokrovskiy, B. Sudakov and L. Yepremyan,
New bounds for Ryser's conjecture and related problems,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. Ser B 9 (2022), 288–321.
M. Bucic, L. Gishboliner and B. Sudakov,
Cycles of many lengths in Hamiltonian graphs,
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 10 (2022), e 70.
L. Gishboliner, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Small doubling, atomic structure and l-divisible set families,
Discrete Analysis 2022:11, 16 pp.
B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Ramsey properties of algebraic graphs and hypergraphs,
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 10 (2022), e 95.
S. Glock, D. Munha Correia and B. Sudakov,
The n-queens completion problem
, Research in the Mathematical Sciences 9 (2022), Article number 41.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, B. Sudakov and Y. Zhao,
Which graphs can be counted in C_4-free graphs?
, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 18 (2022), 2413-2432.
M. Bucic, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Clique minors in graphs with a forbidden subgraph,
Random Structures and Algorithms 60 (2022), 327-338.
S. Glock and B. Sudakov,
An average degree condition for independent transversals,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 154 (2022) 370-391.
B. Sudakov, I. Tomon and A. Wagner,
Uniform chain decompositions and applications,
Random Structures and Algorithms 60 (2022), 261-286.
N. Draganic, D. Munha Correia, B. Sudakov and R. Yuster,
Ramsey number of 1-subdivisions of transitive tournaments,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 157 (2022) 176–183.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, B. Sudakov and F. Wei,
Threshold Ramsey multiplicity for odd cycles
, Revista Union Matematica Argentina 64 (2022), 49-68.
B. Sudakov, I. Tomon and A. Wagner,
Infinite Sperner's theorem, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 187 (2022), Article 105558.
R. Montgomery, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
A proof of Ringel's Conjecture,
Geometric and Functional Analysis 31 (2021), 663-720.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, B. Sudakov and Y. Zhao,
The regularity method for graphs with few 4-cycles,
J. London Mathematical Society 104 (2021), 2376–2401.
R. Montgomery, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
C_4-free subgraphs with large average degree,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 246 (2021), 55–71.
N. Alon, M. Bucic and B. Sudakov,
Large cliques and independent sets all over the place,
Proceedings of AMS 149 (2021), 3145-3157.
J. Fox, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Acyclic subgraphs of tournaments with high chromatic number,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 53 (2021), 619-630.
M. Bucic, D. Korandi and B. Sudakov,
Covering graphs by monochromatic trees and Helly-type results for hypergraphs
, Combinatorica 41 (2021), 319-352.
S. Das, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Isomorphic bisections of cubic graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 51 (2021), 465-481.
M. Bucic, N. Draganic and B. Sudakov,
Universal and unavoidable graphs,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 30 (2021), 942–955.
C. Carlson, A. Kolla, R. Li, N. Mani, B. Sudakov and L. Trevisan,
Lower bounds for Max-Cut in H-free graphs via semidefinite programming,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 35 (2021) 1557-1568.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of LATIN 2020, LNCS 12118, 479-490, 2020.
D. Munha Correia, B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Flattening rank and its combinatorial applications,
Linear Algebra and its Application 625 (2021), 113-125.
M. Bucic, N. Draganic, B. Sudakov and T. Tran,
Unavoidable hypergraphs, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 151 (2021), 307-338.
M. Bucic, E. Long, A. Shapira and B. Sudakov,
Tournament quasirandomness from local counting,
Combinatorica 41 (2021), 175-208.
O. Cooley, N. Draganic, M. Kang and B. Sudakov,
Large induced matchings in random graphs, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 35 (2021), 267--280.
A full version of this paper
N. Draganic, F. Dross, J. Fox, A. Girao, F. Havet, D. Korandi, W. Lochet,
D. Munha Correia, A. Scott and B. Sudakov,
Powers of paths in tournaments, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 30 (2021), 894–898.
R. Montgomery, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Embedding rainbow trees with applications to graph labelling and decomposition
, J. European Math. Soc. 22 (2020), 3101-3132.
M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey graphs induce subgraphs of quadratically many sizes
, Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2020 (2020), 1621-1638.
Note: a minor oversight in the definition of (delta,epsilon)-richness has been corrected since publication of this paper and the corrected version can be found on arxiv.
M. Bucic, M. Kwan, A. Pokrovskiy, B. Sudakov, T. Tran and A. Wagner,
Nearly-linear monotone paths in edge-ordered graphs
, Israel Journal of Mathematics 238 (2020), 663-685.
M. Bucic, M. Kwan, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Halfway to Rota's basis conjecture
, Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 21 (2020), 8007-8026.
Companion note adapting our methods to the setting of a related conjecture due to Kahn.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Short proofs of some extremal results III,
Random Structures and Algorithms 57 (2020), 958-982.
B. Sudakov and I. Tomon,
Turan number of bipartite graphs with no K_{t,t},
Proceedings of AMS 148 (2020), 2811-2818.
R. Nenadov, B. Sudakov and M. Tyomkyn,
Proof of the Brown-Erdos-Sos conjecture in groups,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 169 (2020), 323-333.
M. Bucic, E. Jahn, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
2-factors with k cycles in Hamiltonian graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 144 (2020), 150-166.
A. Ferber, V. Jain and B. Sudakov,
Number of 1-factorizations of regular high-degree graphs
, Combinatorica 40 (2020), 315-344.
M. Krivelevich, E. Lubetzky and B. Sudakov,
Asymptotics in percolation on high-girth expanders
, Random Structures and Algorithms 56 (2020), 927-947.
A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey goodness of cycles, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 34 (2020), 1884-1908.
S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
The oriented size Ramsey number of directed paths
, European Journal of Combinatorics 88 (2020), Article 103103.
R. Nenadov, B. Sudakov and A. Wagner
Completion and deficiency problems,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 145 (2020), 214-240.
M. Kwan, S. Letzter, B. Sudakov and T. Tran,
Dense induced bipartite subgraphs in triangle-free graphs,
Combinatorica 40 (2020), 283-305.
R. Nenadov, M. Sawhney, B. Sudakov and A. Wagner
Bounded degree Spanners of the hypercube,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 27 (2020), #P3.3
N. Kamcev, M. Krivelevich, N. Morrison and B. Sudakov,
The Konig Graph Process,
Random Structures and Algorithms 57 (2020), 1272-1302.
Frederik Benzing, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Long directed rainbow cycles and rainbow spanning trees
, European Journal of Combinatorics 88 (2020), Article 103102.
M. Bucic, S. Heberle, S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
Monochromatic trees in random tournaments,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 29 (2020), 318-345.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Books versus triangles at the extremal density,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 34 (2020), 385-398.
I. Balla, S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
Orthonormal representations of H-free graphs,
Discrete and Computational Geometry 64 (2020), 654-670.
O. Angel, A.Ferber, B. Sudakov and V. Tassion,
Long monotone trails in random edge-labelings of random graphs
, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 29 (2020), 22-30.
S. Konyagin and B. Sudakov,
An extremal problem for integer sparse recovery,
Linear Algebra and its Application 586 (2020), 1-6.
M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Proof of a conjecture on induced subgraphs of Ramsey graphs
, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), 5571--5594.
Note: a minor oversight in the definition of (delta,epsilon)-richness has been corrected since publication of this paper and the corrected version can be found on arxiv.
R. Montgomery, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Decompositions into spanning rainbow structures
, Proc. London Math. Soc. 119 (2019), 899-959.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Tower-type bounds for unavoidable patterns in words,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), 6213-6229.
M. Kwan, B. Sudakov and T. Tran,
Anticoncentration for subgraph statistics
, J. London Mathematical Society 99 (2019) 757-777.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Hypergraph cuts above the average
, Israel Journal of Mathematics 233 (2019), 67-111.
M. Nagele, B. Sudakov and R. Zenklusen,
Submodular Minimization Under Congruency Constraints
, Combinatorica 39 (2019), 1351-1386.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 29th Annual ACM-SIAM SODA, ACM Press (2018), 849-866.
A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
A counterexample to Stein's Equi-n-square Conjecture
, Proceedings of AMS 147 (2019), 2281-2287.
M. Bucic, S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
Directed Ramsey number for trees,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 137 (2019), 145-177.
I. Balla and B. Sudakov,
Equiangular subspaces in Euclidean spaces,
Discrete and Computational Geometry 61 (2019), 81-90.
M. Bucic, S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
Three colour bipartite Ramsey number of cycles and paths
J. Graph Theory 92 (2019), 445-459.
S. Das, R. Glebov, B. Sudakov and T. Tran,
Colouring set families without monochromatic k-chains
, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 168 (2019), 84-119.
M. Bucic, S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
Monochromatic paths in random tournaments,
Random Structures and Algorithms 54 (2019), 69-81.
T. Kalinowski, N. Kamcev and B. Sudakov,
Zero forcing number of graphs, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 33 (2019), 95-115.
Erratum to this paper.
M. Bucic, S. Letzter and B. Sudakov,
Multicolour bipartite Ramsey number of paths,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 26 (2019), P3.60.
L. Fukshansky, D. Needell and B. Sudakov,
An algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery
, Applied Mathematics and Computation 340 (2019), 31-42.
I. Balla, F. Draxler, P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Equiangular Lines and Spherical Codes in Euclidean Space,
Inventiones math. 211 (2018), 179-212.
A. Ferber, E. Long and B. Sudakov,
Counting Hamilton decompositions of oriented graphs,
Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2018 (2018), 6908-6933.
M. Bucic, S. Letzter, B. Sudakov and T. Tran,
Minimum saturated families of sets
, Bull. London Math. Soc. 50 (2018), 725-732.
P. Loh, M. Krivelevich, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
The random k-matching-free process,
Random Structures and Algorithms 53 (2018), 692-716.
A. Ferber, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Counting Hamilton cycles in sparse random directed graphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 53 (2018), 592-603.
N. Kamcev, T. Luczak and B. Sudakov,
Anogram-free colorings , Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 27 (2018), 623-642.
A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Linearly many rainbow trees in properly edge-coloured complete graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 132 (2018) 134-156.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Hereditary quasirandomness without regularity,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 164 (2018), 385-399.
D. Korandi, F. Mousset, R. Nenadov, N. Skoric, B. Sudakov,
Monochromatic cycle covers in random graphs
Random Structures and Algorithms 53 (2018), 667-691.
J. Briggs, A. Frieze, M. Krivelevich, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Packing Hamilton Cycles Online,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 27 (2018), 475-495.
M. Kwan, B. Sudakov and P. Vieira,
Non-trivially intersecting multi-part families,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 156 (2018), 44-60.
M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Intercalates and Discrepancy in Random Latin Squares
, Random Structures and Algorithms 52 (2018), 181-196.
I. Balla, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey goodness of bounded degree trees,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 27 (2018), 289-309.
B. Sudakov and P. Vieira,
Two remarks on even and oddtown problems,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 32 (2018), 280-295.
J. Noel, A. Scott and B. Sudakov,
Supersaturation in Posets and Applications Involving the Container Method,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 154 (2018), 247-284.
N. Alon, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Random subgraphs of properly edge-coloured complete graphs and long rainbow cycles,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 222 (2017), 317-331.
R. Gelbov, Z. Luria and B. Sudakov,
The number of Hamiltonian decompositions of regular graphs,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 222 (2017), 91-108.
I. Balla, A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov
A remark on Hamilton cycles
with few colors,
Moscow J. Combinatorics and Number Theory 7 (2017), 259-263.
N. Alon, K. Efremenko and B. Sudakov,
Testing Equality in Communication Graphs,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (2017), 7569-7574.
M. Krivelevich, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Compatible Hamilton cycles in Dirac graphs, Combinatorica 37 (2017), 697-732.
B. Sudakov,
Robustness of graph properties,
in: Surveys in Combinatorics 2017, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 372-408.
A. Kostochka, B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
Cycles in triangle-free graphs of large chromatic number
, Combinatorica 37 (2017), 481-494.
D. Korandi and B. Sudakov,
Saturation in random graphs, Random Structures and Algorithms 51 (2017), 169-181.
N. Kamcev, B. Sudakov and J. Volec,
Bounded colourings of multipartite graphs and hypergraphs,
European Journal of Combinatorics 66 (2017), 235-249.
J. Fox, H. Huang and B. Sudakov,
On graphs decomposable into induced matchings of linear sizes,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 49 (2017), 45-57.
M. Krivelevich, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Bounded-degree spanning trees in randomly perturbed graphs
, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 31 (2017), 155-171.
R. Glebov, H. Naves and B. Sudakov,
The threshold probability for long cycles,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 26 (2017), 208-247.
B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
The Extremal Function for Cycles of length l mod k
, The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 24 (2017), P1.7.
A. Pokrovskiy and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey goodness of paths, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 122 (2017), 384-390.
B. Sudakov and J. Volec,
Properly colored and rainbow copies of graphs with few cherries,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 122 (2017), 391-416.
A. Ferber, M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and P. Vieira,
Finding paths in sparse random graphs requires many queries, Random Structures and Algorithms 50 (2017), 71-85.
D. Korandi and B. Sudakov,
Domination in 3-tournaments, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 146 (2017), 165-168.
E. Shamir and B. Sudakov,
Two-Sided, Unbiased Version of Hall's Marriage Theorem
, American Math. Monthly 124 (2017), 79-80.
A. Ferber, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Counting and packing Hamilton cycles in dense graphs and oriented graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 122 (2017), 196-220.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Ordered Ramsey numbers, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 122 (2017), 353-383.
S. Das, W. Gan and B. Sudakov,
The minimum number of disjoint pairs in set
systems and related problems,
Combinatorica 36 (2016), 623-660.
H. Huang, N. Linial, H. Naves, Y. Peled and B. Sudakov,
On the densities of cliques and independent sets in graphs, Combinatorica 36 (2016), 493-512.
A. Ferber, M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and P. Vieira,
Finding Hamilton cycles in random graphs with few queries, Random Structures and Algorithms
49 (2016), 635-668.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Short proofs of some extremal results II,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 121 (2016), 173-196.
M. Krivelevich, M. Kwan and B. Sudakov,
Cycles and matchings in randomly perturbed digraphs and hypergraphs,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 25 (2016), 909-927.
N. Kamcev, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Some Remarks on Rainbow Connectivity, J. Graph Theory 83 (2016), 372-383.
M. Krivelevich, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Compatible Hamilton cycles in random graphs, Random Structures and Algorithms 49 (2016), 533-557.
D. Hefetz, A. Steger and B. Sudakov,
Random directed graphs are robustly Hamiltonian,
Random Structures and Algorithms 49 (2016), 345-362.
A full version of this paper
N. Alon, H. Naves and B. Sudakov
On the maximum quartet distance between phylogenetic trees,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 30 (2016), 718-735.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 27th Annual ACM-SIAM SODA, ACM Press (2016), 2095-2106.
W. Samotij and B. Sudakov,
The number of additive triples in subsets of abelian groups,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 160 (2016), 495-512.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey numbers of cubes versus cliques, Combinatorica 36 (2016), 37-70.
D. Korandi, Y. Peled and B. Sudakov,
A random triadic process, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 30 (2016), 1-19.
C. Lee, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Judicious partitions of directed graphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 48 (2016), 147-170.
S. Das, B. Sudakov and P. Vieira,
Almost-Fisher families, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 138 (2016), 175-207.
A. Ferber, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Counting and packing Hamilton l-cycles in dense hypergraphs,
Journal of Combinatorics 7 (2016), 135-157.
D. Korandi, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Decomposing random graphs into few cycles and edges,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 24 (2015), 857-872.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
On the grid Ramsey problem and related questions
, Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN) 2015 (2015), 8052-8084.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Recent developments in graph Ramsey theory,
in: Surveys in Combinatorics 2015, Cambridge University Press,
2015, 49-118.
N. Alon, S. Das, R. Glebov and B. Sudakov,
Comparable pairs in families of sets, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 115 (2015), 164-185.
W. Samotij and B. Sudakov,
On the number of monotone sequences, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 115 (2015), 132-163.
J. Ma, H. Naves and B. Sudakov,
Discrepancy of random graphs and hypergraphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 47 (2015), 147-162.
S. Das, W. Gan and B. Sudakov,
Sperner's Theorem and a Problem of Erdos, Katona and Kleitman,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 24 (2015), 585-608.
A. Shapira and B. Sudakov,
Small Complete Minors Above the Extremal Edge Density,
Combinatorica 35 (2015), 75-94.
W. Gan, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Maximizing the number of independent sets of a fixed
size, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 24 (2015), 521-527.
S. Das and B. Sudakov,
Most probably intersecting hypergraphs,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 22(1) (2015), P1.80.
J. von Brecht, B. Sudakov and A. Bertozzi,
Swarming on random graphs II, Journal of Statistical Physics 158 (2015), 699-734.
D. Conlon, J. Fox, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
The Erdos-Gyarfas problem on generalized Ramsey numbers,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 110 (2015), 1-18.
M. Krivelevich, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Long paths and cycles in random subgraphs of graphs with large minimum degree,
Random Structures and Algorithms 46 (2015), 320-345.
W. Gan, D. Korandi and B. Sudakov,
K_{s,t}-saturated bipartite graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics
45 (2015), 12-20.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Cycle packing, Random Structures and Algorithms 45 (2014), 608-626.
M. Krivelevich, E. Lubetzky and B. Sudakov,
Cores of random graphs are born Hamiltonian,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 109 (2014), 161-188.
H. Huang and B. Sudakov,
The minimum number of nonnegative edges in hypergraphs ,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 21(3) (2014), P3.7.
Y. Afek, Y. Babichenko, U. Feige, E. Gafni, N. Linial
and B. Sudakov,
Musical chairs
, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 28 (2014), 1578-1600.
A distributed computing version appeared as:
Oblivious Collaboration,
Proc. of the 25th Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC'11), LNCS volume 6950, 2011,
D. Conlon, J. Fox, J. Pach, B. Sudakov and A. Suk,
Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), 5043-5065 .
M. Krivelevich, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Robust Hamiltonicity of Dirac graphs,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), 3095-3130.
H. Huang, N. Linial, H. Naves, Y. Peled and B. Sudakov,
On the 3-local profiles of graphs,
J. Graph Theory 76 (2014), 236-248.
A. Ferber, R. Hod, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
A construction of almost Steiner systems,
J. Combinatorial Designs 22 (2014), 488-494.
P. Allen, P. Keevash, B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
Turan numbers of bipartite graphs plus an odd cycle,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 106 (2014), 134-162.
R. Glebov, B. Sudakov and T. Szabo,
How many colors guarantee a rainbow matching?,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 21(1) (2014), P1.27.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Short proofs of some extremal results,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 23 (2014), 8-28.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Two extensions of Ramsey's theorem,
Duke Mathematical Journal 162 (2013), 2903-2927.
N. Alon A. Moitra and B. Sudakov,
Nearly Complete Graphs Decomposable into
Large Induced Matchings and their Applications,
J. European Math. Soc. 15 (2013), 1575-1596.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 44th ACM STOC (2012), 1079-1090
Y. Peres, D. Sotnikov, B. Sudakov and U. Zwick,
All-Pairs shortest paths in O(n^2) time with high probability,
Journal of the ACM 60 (2013), Article 26.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 51st IEEE FOCS (2010), 663-672.
N. Parrish, B. Sudakov and E. Eskin,
Genome reassembly with high-throughput sequencing data,
BMC Genomics 14 (2013), (Suppl 1):S8.
A preliminary version appeared in: 11th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2013): Genomics.
P. Keevash, B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
On a conjecture of Erdos and Simonovits: Even cycles, Combinatorica 33 (2013), 699-732.
C. Lee, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Bisections of graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 103 (2013), 599-629.
H. Huang, J. Ma, A. Shapira, B. Sudakov and R. Yuster,
Large feedback arc sets, high minimum degree subgraphs, and long cycles in Eulerian digraphs
, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 22 (2013), 859-873.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
The phase transition in random graphs - a simple proof,
Random Structures and Algorithms 43 (2013), 131-138.
J. Fox, C. Lee, and B. Sudakov,
Chromatic number, clique subdivisions, and the conjectures of Hajos and
Erdos-Fajtlowicz, Combinatorica 33 (2013), 181-197.
M. Krivelevich, E. Lubetzky and B. Sudakov,
Longest cycles in sparse random digraphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 43 (2013), 1-15.
C. Lee, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Self-similarity of graphs, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 27 (2013), 959-972.
S. Das, H. Huang, J. Ma, H. Naves and B. Sudakov,
A problem of Erdos on the minimum number of k-cliques,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 103 (2013) 344-373.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
An improved bound for the stepping-up lemma ,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 1191-1196.
S. Das, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Rainbow Turan Problem for Even Cycles,
European Journal of Combinatorics 34 (2013), 905-915.
J. Fox, J. Pach, B. Sudakov and A. Suk,
Erdos-Szekeres-type theorems for monotone paths and convex bodies,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 105 (2012), 953-982.
Erratum to this paper.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
On two problems in graph Ramsey theory, Combinatorica 32 (2012), 513-535.
J. Fox, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Maximum union-free subfamilies,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 191 (2012), 959-971.
C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Dirac's theorem for random graphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 41 (2012), 293-305.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Erdos-Hajnal-type theorems in hypergraphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 102 (2012), 1142-1154.
H. Huang and B. Sudakov,
A counterexample to the Alon-Saks-Seymour conjecture and related problems,
Combinatorica 32 (2012), 205-219.
C. Lee, B. Sudakov and D. Vilenchik,
Getting directed Hamilton cycle twice faster
, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 21 (2012), 773-801.
I. Ben-Eliezer, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Long cycles in subgraphs of (pseudo)random directed graphs,
J. Graph Theory 70 (2012), 284-296.
H. Huang, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
The size of a hypergraph and its matching number,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 21 (2012), 442-450.
I. Ben-Eliezer, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Biased orientation games,
Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012), 1732-1742.
N. Alon, P. Frankl, H. Huang, V. Rodl, A. Rucinski and B. Sudakov,
Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs
and the conjectures of Erdos and Samuels,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 119 (2012), 1200-1215.
N. Alon, H. Huang and B. Sudakov,
Nonnegative k-sums,
fractional covers, and probability of small deviations
, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 102 (2012), 784-796.
I. Ben-Eliezer, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
The size Ramsey number of a directed path,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 102 (2012), 743-755.
C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Hamiltonicity, independence number, and pancyclicity,
European Journal of Combinatorics 33 (2012), 449-457.
H. Huang, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Bandwidth theorem for random graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 102 (2012), 14-37.
E. Lubetzky, B. Sudakov and V. Vu,
Spectra of lifted Ramanujan graphs, Advances in Mathematics
227 (2011), 1612-1645.
B. Sudakov,
A conjecture of Erdos on graph Ramsey numbers,
Advances in Mathematics 227 (2011), 601-609.
A. Scott and B. Sudakov,
A bound for the cops and robbers problem,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math 25 (2011), 1438-1442.
D. Ellis and B. Sudakov,
Generating all subsets of a finite set with disjoint
unions, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 118 (2011), 2319-2345.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov, N. Wormald
Regular induced subgraphs of a random graph
, Random Structures and Algorithms 38 (2011), 235-250.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Large almost monochromatic subsets in hypergraphs,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 181 (2011), 423-432.
S. Ben-Shimon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
On the resilience of Hamiltonicity and optimal packing of Hamilton cycles in random graphs,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math 25 (2011), 1176-1193.
B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
Cycles in graphs with large independence ratio,
Journal of Combinatorics 2 (2011), 82-102.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Dependent Random Choice,
Random Structures and Algorithms 38 (2011), 1-32.
S. Ben-Shimon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Local resilience and Hamiltonicity Maker-Breaker games in random regular graph,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20 (2011), 173-211.
T. Bohman, A. Frieze, M. Krivelevich, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey games with giants,
Random Structures and Algorithms 38 (2011), 68-99.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
An approximate version of Sidorenko's conjecture,
Geometric and Functional Analysis 20 (2010), 1354-1366.
Short, self-contained exposition.
B. Sudakov,
Recent developments in extremal combinatorics:
Ramsey and Turan type problems,
Proc. International Congress of Mathematicians,
Hyderabad, India, 2010, Vol 4, 2579-2606.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Hypergraph Ramsey numbers,
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 23 (2010), 247-266.
P. Loh, O. Pikhurko and B. Sudakov,
Maximizing the number of q-colorings,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 101 (2010), 655-696.
N. Alon and B. Sudakov,
Increasing the chromatic number of a random graph,
Journal of Combinatorics 1 (2010), 345-356.
B. Barak, G. Kindler, R. Shaltiel, B. Sudakov and A. Wigderson,
Simulating independence: New constructions of condensers, ramsey graphs, dispersers, and extractors ,
Journal of the ACM 57 (2010), Article No. 20.
preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 37-th ACM STOC (2005), 1-10.
B. Sudakov and J. Vondrak,
A randomized embedding algorithm for trees,
Combinatorica 30 (2010), 445-470.
M. Krivelevich, E. Lubetzky and B. Sudakov,
Hamiltonicity thresholds in Achlioptas processes,
Random Structures and Algorithms 37 (2010), 1-24.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Decompositions into subgraphs of small diameter,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 19 (2010), 753-774.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Pancyclicity of Hamiltonian and highly connected graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 100 (2010), 456-467.
M. Krivelevich, C. Lee and B. Sudakov,
Resilient pancyclicity of random and pseudo-random graphs,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 24 (2010), 1-16.
J. Fox, P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Directed graphs without short cycles,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 19 (2010), 285-301.
N. Alon, A. Shapira and B. Sudakov,
Additive approximation for edge-deletion problems,
Annals of Mathematics 170 (2009), 371-411.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 46-th IEEE FOCS (2005), 419-428.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Density theorems for bipartite graphs and related Ramsey-type results,
Combinatorica 29 (2009), 153-196.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Minors in expanding graphs,
Geometric and Functional Analysis 19 (2009), 294-331.
N. Alon, B. Bukh and B. Sudakov,
Discrete Kakeya-type problems and small bases,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 174 (2009), 285-301 .
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Two remarks on the Burr-Erdos conjecture
, European J. Combinatorics 30 (2009), 1630-1645.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and D. Vilenchik,
On the random satisfiable process,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18 (2009), 775-801.
D. Conlon, J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey numbers of sparse hypergraphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 35 (2009), 1-14.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Triangle packings and 1-factors in oriented graphs
, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 99 (2009), 709-727.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Paths and stability number in digraphs,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 16(1) (2009), N23.
P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Constrained Ramsey Numbers,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18 (2009), 247-258.
J. Fox, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Large induced trees in K_r-free graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 99 (2009), 494-501.
M. Krivelevich, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Avoiding small subgraphs in Achlioptas processes
, Random Structures and Algorithms 34 (2009), 165-195.
A full version of this paper appeared on
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Induced Ramsey-type theorems,
Advances in Mathematics 219 (2008), 1771-1800.
B. Sudakov and V. Vu,
Local resilience of graphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 33 (2008), 409-433.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey-type problem for an almost monochromatic K_4
, SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 23 (2008), 155-162.
B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
Cycle lengths in sparse graphs, Combinatorica 28 (2008), 357-372.
Erratum to this paper.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
Unavoidable patterns,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 115 (2008), 1561-1569.
B. Sudakov and J. Vondrak,
How many random edges make a dense hypergraph
non-2-colorable?, Random Structures and Algorithms 32 (2008), 290-306.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Large nearly regular induced subgraphs,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 22 (2008), 1325-1337.
J. Fox and B. Sudakov,
On a problem of Duke-Erdos-Rodl on
cycle-connected subgraphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 98 (2008), 1056-1062.
P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
On the strong chromatic number of random graphs,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 17 (2008), 271-286.
T. Bohman, A. Frieze and B. Sudakov,
The game chromatic number of random graphs,
Random Structures and Algorithms 32 (2008), 223-235.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Embedding nearly-spanning bounded degree trees, Combinatorica 27
(2007), 629-644.
B. Sudakov,
Ramsey numbers and the size of graphs,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 21 (2007), 980-986.
B. Sudakov,
Making a K_4-free graph bipartite,
Combinatorica 27 (2007), 509-518.
P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Independent transversals in locally sparse graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 97 (2007), 904-918.
N. Alon and B. Sudakov,
On graphs with subgraphs having large independence numbers,
J. Graph Theory 56 (2007), 149-157.
B. Bukh and B. Sudakov,
Induced subgraphs of Ramsey graphs with many distinct degrees,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 97 (2007), 612-619.
J.H. Kim, B. Sudakov and V. Vu,
Small subgraphs of random regular graphs,
Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007), 1961-1967.
P. Keevash, D. Mubayi, B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
Rainbow Turan Problems,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 16 (2007), 109-126.
Erratum to this paper.
E. Mossel, R. O'Donnell, O. Regev, J. Steif and B. Sudakov,
Non-Interactive Correlation Distillation, Inhomogeneous Markov Chains
and the Reverse Bonami-Beckner Inequality,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 154 (2006), 299-336.
J. Balogh, P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
On the minimal degree implying equality of the
largest triangle-free and bipartite subgraphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 96 (2006), 919-932.
N. Alon, R. Radoicic, B. Sudakov and J. Vondrak,
A Ramsey-type result for the hypercube,
J. Graph Theory 53 (2006), 196-208.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
On a restricted cross-intersection problem
, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 113 (2006), 1536-1542.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and P. Tetali,
On smoothed analysis in dense graphs and formulas,
Random Structures and Algorithms 29 (2006), 180-193.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
graphs, in: More Sets, Graphs and Numbers, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 15,
Springer, 2006, 199-262.
P. Keevash, P. Loh and B. Sudakov,
Bounding the number of edges in permutation graphs,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 13 (2006), R44.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Sparse halves in triangle-free graphs,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 96 (2006), 614-620.
N. Alon and B. Sudakov,
H-free graphs of large minimum degree,
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics 13 (2006), R19.
B. Sudakov, E. Szemeredi and V. Vu,
On a question of Erdos and Moser,
Duke Mathematical Journal 129 (2005), 129-155.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
On a hypergraph Turan problem of Frankl, Combinatorica 25 (2005), 673-706.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
MaxCut in H-free graphs,
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 14 (2005), 629-647.
B. Sudakov,
new lower bound for a Ramsey-type problem,
Combinatorica 25 (2005), 487-498.
A. Frieze, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
The strong chromatic index of random graphs,
SIAM J. of Discrete Math. 19 (2005), 719-727.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
The exact Turan number of the Fano plane, Combinatorica
25 (2005), 561-574.
J. Balogh, P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Disjoint representability of sets and their complements,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 95 (2005), 12-28.
B. Sudakov, T. Szabo and V. Vu,
A generalization of Turan's theorem,
J. Graph Theory 49 (2005), 187-195.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Set systems with restricted cross-intersections
and the minimum rank of inclusion matrices, SIAM J. of Discrete Math.
18 (2005), 713-727.
B. Reed and B. Sudakov,
coloring when the chromatic number is close to the order of the graph,
Combinatorica 25 (2005), 117-123.
B. Sudakov,
Large K_r-free subgraphs in K_s-free graphs and some other
Ramsey-type problems, Random Structures and Algorithms 26 (2005), 253-265.
N. Alon, I. Dinur, E. Friedgut and B. Sudakov,
Graph products, fourier analysis and spectral techniques,
Geometric and Functional Analysis 14 (2004), 913-940.
N. Alon, J. Balogh, P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
number of edge colorings with no monochromatic cliques,
J. London Mathematical Society 70 (2004), 273-288.
B. Bollobas, P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
Multicoloured extremal problems, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A
107 (2004), 295-312.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
triangles in a graph and its complement, J. Graph Theory 47 (2004),
A magma program implementing an algorithm used in this paper can be
downloaded here.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and T.Szabo,
factors in pseudo-random graphs,
Combinatorica 24 (2004), 403-426.
N. Alon, R. Beigel, S. Kasif, S. Rudich and B. Sudakov,
a hidden matching, SIAM J. on Computing 33 (2004), 487-501.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Proc. of the 43rd IEEE FOCS (2002), 197--206.
B. Bollobas, D. Gamarnik, O. Riordan and B. Sudakov,
the value of a random minimum length Steiner tree,
Combinatorica 24 (2004), 187-207.
P. Keevash, M. Saks, B. Sudakov and J. Verstraete,
Multicolour Turan problems, Advances in Applied Mathematics 33 (2004), 238--262.
Z. Furedi and B. Sudakov,
Extremal set-systems with restricted k-wise intersections,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 105 (2004), 143-159.
P. Keevash and B. Sudakov,
the number of edges not covered by monochromatic copies of a fixed graph,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 90 (2004), 41-53.
A. Kostochka and B. Sudakov,
Ramsey numbers of sparse graphs
, Combinatorics, Probability
and Computing 12 (2003), 627-641.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Turan numbers of bipartite graphs and related Ramsey-type questions
, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 12 (2003), 477-494.
A. Soshnikov and B. Sudakov,
On the largest eigenvalue of a random subgraph of the hypercube,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 239 (2003), 53-63.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and V. Vu,
Covering codes with improved density,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (2003), 1812-1815.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
subgraphs of prescribed size, J. Graph Theory 43 (2003), 239-251.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Approximate coloring of uniform hypergraphs,
J. of Algorithms 49 (2003), 2--12.
version of this paper with additional results appeared in:
Proc. of the 6th Annual European
Symposium on Algorithms (ESA'98),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1461, Springer Verlag
(1998), 477--489.
N. Alon, B. Bollobas, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
Maximum cuts and judicious partitions in graphs without short cycles,
J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 88 (2003), 329-346.
B. Sudakov,
remarks on the Ramsey-Turan-type problems, J. Combinatorial Theory
Ser. B 88 (2003), 99-106.
P.Keevash and B. Sudakov,
density in graphs with forbidden subgraphs, Combinatorics, Probability
and Computing 12 (2003), 139-153.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov, V. Vu and N. Wormald,
On the probability of independent sets in random graphs, Random
Structures and Algorithms 22 (2003), 1-14.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
pseudo-random graphs are Hamiltonian, J. Graph Theory 42 (2003), 17-33.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
largest eigenvalue of sparse random graphs, Combinatorics, Probability
and Computing 12 (2003), 61-72.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov and V. Vu,
threshold for network reliability, Combinatorics, Probability and
Computing 11 (2002), 465-474.
J.H. Kim, B. Sudakov and V. Vu,
asymmetry of random graphs and random regular graphs, Random Structures
and Algorithms 21 (2002), 216-224.
B. Reed and B. Sudakov,
the list colouring constants are 1, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B
86 (2002), 27-37.
B. Reed and B. Sudakov,
colouring of graphs with at most  
Proc. of the International Congress of Mathematicians,
Vol III (Beijing 2002), Higher Education Press, China, 587-603.
V. Grolmusz and B. Sudakov,
k-wise set-intersections and k-wise hamming-distances, J. Combinatorial
Theory Ser. A 99 (2002), 180-190.
N. Alon, B. Sudakov and U. Zwick,
worst case instances for semidefinite programming based approximation algorithms,,
SIAM J. Discrete Math 15 (2002), 58-72.
A preliminary version appeared in: Proc. of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM
SODA, ACM Press (2001), 92-100.
B. Sudakov, A
note on odd cycle-complete graph Ramsey numbers, The Electronic J.
of Combinatorics 9 (2002), N 1, 4pp.
A. Kelmans, D. Mubayi and B. Sudakov,
optimal tree-packings in regular graphs, The Electronic J. of Combinatorics
8 (2001), R 38, 8pp.
M. Krivelevich, R.Nathaniel and B. Sudakov,
coloring and maximum independent set in 3-uniform hypergraphs, J. of
Algorithm 41 (2001), 99-113.
An extended abstract appeared in: Proc. of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM
SODA, ACM Press (2001), 327-328.
B. Sudakov,
flows in random graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 81 (2001), 209-223.
N. Alon, B. Sudakov and A. Zaks,
edge colorings of graphs, J. Graph Theory 37 (2001), 157-167.
M. Krivelevich, B. Sudakov, V. Vu and N. Wormald,
regular graphs of high degree, Random Structures and Algorithms 18
(2001), 346-363.
1995-2000 (prior to my graduation)
N. Alon and B. Sudakov, Bipartite
subgraphs and the smallest eigenvalue, Combinatorics, Probability and
Computing 9 (2000), 1-12.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov, Coloring
graphs with sparse neighborhoods, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B. 77
(1999), 73-82.
N. Alon and B. Sudakov, On
two segmentation problems, J. of Algorithm 33 (1999), 173-184.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov,
coloring of random and pseudo-random graphs, Combinatorica 19 (1999),
G. Gutin, B. Sudakov and A. Yeo, Note
on alternating directed cycles, Discrete Mathematics 191 (1998), 101-107.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov, The
chromatic numbers of random hypergraphs, Random Structures and Algorithms
12 (1998), 381-403.
M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov, Coloring
random graphs, Information Processing Letters 67 (1998), 71-74.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov, Finding
a large hidden clique in a random graph, Random Structures and Algorithms
13 (1998), 457-466.
A preliminary version appeared in: Proc. of the 9th Annual ACM-SIAM
SODA, ACM Press (1998), 594-598.
B. Sudakov, A
note on $\tau$-critical linear hypergraphs, Graph and Combinatorics
13 (1997), 281-285.
N. Alon, M. Krivelevich and B. Sudakov, Subgraphs
with large cochromatic number, J. Graph Theory 25 (1997), 295-297.
N. Alon and B. Sudakov,
Systems, Random Structures and Algorithms 6 (1995), 13-20.
A preliminary version appeared in:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 781, Springer Verlag (1994), 159-163.