This is the third meeting of the Arithmetica Transalpina, a joint Number Theory seminar between ETH Zürich, FernUni Schweiz, the Universities of Milan, Padova and Genova and the University of Vienna.
Location: The meeting will take place in the University of Milan, Dipartimento di Matematica "Federigo Enriques", Via C. Saldini 50, 20133 Milano. The talks will start at 11:30am, with refreshments being available from 11am.
Organizers: Fabrizio Andreatta (Milan) – Harald Grobner (Vienna)
– David Loeffler (FernUni Schweiz) –
Matteo Longo (Padova) – Stefano Vigni (Genova) – Sarah Zerbes (ETH Zürich).
To register for the meeting, please send an email to
Some limited financial support is available. Deadline for registration is October 1.
Acknowledgements: The meeting is funded by PRIN 2022
`The arithmetic of motives and L-functions',
the ERC Consolidator Grant `Shimura varieties and the
conjecture' and ETH Zürich.