Johanna Ziegel

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Short bio

Johanna Ziegel is Professor of Statistics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, since 2024. She is also Visiting Scientist at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany.

Johanna obtained her PhD in 2009 at ETH Zurich jointly supervised by Paul Embrechts and Eva B. Vedel Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark). She held postdoctoral positions at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and at Heidelberg University, Germany before joining University of Bern in 2012 as Assistant Professor tenure track. In 2018, she was promoted to Associate Professor and then to Full Professor in 2023. She was Scientific Advisory Board Member of the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) at University of Bern from 2018-2023.

She has been a Council Member of the Bernoulli Society and has served as Associate Editor for Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Statistics & Risk Modeling, and Mathematical Finance. Currently she is part of the editorial board of Bernoulli, JASA: Theory & Methods, Journal of Financial Econometrics, International Journal of Forecasting, and SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. In 2021/2022, she has been part of the H.I.T. Program: High Potential University Leaders Identity & Skills Training Program – Inclusive Leadership in Academia. She won the Credit Swiss Award for Best Teaching at the University of Bern in 2022.

Johanna is the mother of two energetic kids aged 8 and 10 that teach her at least as much as academic research.

Full CV

Full CV as pdf