Academic appointments
- 2020 - present: Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- 2016-2020: Associate professor (promoted Full professor in 2020), Department of Statistics, LSE London, UK.
- 2013-2016: Assistant professor, Department of Statistics, LSE London, UK.
- 2009-2016: Assistant professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Statistics, University of Perugia.
- 2010-2013: Project leader, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna.
- 2006-2009: Post-Doc positions, Department of Economics, Finance and Statistics, University of Perugia, and Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Vienna University of Technology.
- 2002-2006: Doctoral studies in Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Economic and Social Research, University of Perugia. Supervisor: Prof. W. Schachermayer
- 1997-2002: Bachelor and Master in Mathematics, University of Perugia. Advisor: Prof. P. Pucci
Grants and awards
- 2022: Louis Bachelier prize, awarded by the London Mathematical Society (LMS), the Natixis Foundation for Research and Innovation and the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI)
- 2009: Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds, "Mathematics and ..." call for High Potentials Project (4 years): "Mathematics of Financial Risk Measurement and Stochastic Dependence"
- 2009: European Science Foundation - "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance" Project (6 months): "Dynamic Measurement of Multiperiod Risk"
- 2007: Doctoral Studies Award by the Italian Association of Mathematics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences
- 2006: European Science Foundation - "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance" Project (6 months): "Optimal sharing of pooled risk among an aggregate of economic agents"
- Executive Secretary of the Bachelier Finance Society
- Associate Editor for the Bocconi & Springer Series on Mathematics, Statistics, Finance and Economics
- Associate Editor for Finance and Stochastics
- Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
- Associate Editor for Mathematical Finance
- Associate Editor for Electronic Journal of Probability (until 2020)
- Associate Editor for Electronic Communications in Probability (until 2020)
- Associate Editor for Annals of Applied Probability
- Associate Editor for International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
- Member of the Editorial Board of Dependence Modeling