Class for writing the values of the solution of a PDE on the quadrature points of the space in a Dens...
Definition: matrixBasis.hh:331
An abstract class for a function in a FE space.
Definition: elementFormula.hh:25
void createMatrix_(const std::string name, uint nrows, uint ncols)
Creates one dense matrix.
concepts::RCP< concepts::ElementMatrix< F > > getSolution(const concepts::Space< G > &spc, const concepts::Vector< F > &sol, const concepts::ElementFunction< F, G > *fun=0)
Returns a vector with the value of the solution on the quadrature-points of a given space using a giv...
Definition: denseMatrixGraphics.hh:130
Class that collects information about the mesh/space it iterates over, that are used for MatrixBasisO...
Definition: matrixBasis.hh:33
void createMatrices_(MatrixCounterCell &counter)
Creates the matrices.
virtual ~DenseMatrixCollection()
Destructor: deltes the pointers in the mapping.
Class that collects graphical informations about a given space in a set of ElementMatrices.
Definition: matrixBasis.hh:160
Interface for a formula defined element by element.
Definition: elementFormula.hh:35
DenseMatrixCollection< Real > getMesh(concepts::Mesh &msh, const uint points=5)
Returns a graphics::DenseMatrixCollection<G> that contains informations for graphical output of the g...
RCP< T > makeRCP(T *x)
Function to create a RCP which deletes the object when no RCP points on it anymore.
Definition: sharedPointer_boost.hh:102
DenseMatrixCollection< G > getSpace(const concepts::Space< G > &spc)
Returns a graphics::DenseMatrixCollection<G> that contains informations for graphical output of the g...
Definition: denseMatrixGraphics.hh:171
virtual uint getOutputDimension() const
Returns the default output dimension, when we consider plotting a real-valued operator on this space.
Definition: space.hh:50
Class for writing the graphical output of an element formula to ElementMatrices.
Definition: matrixBasis.hh:259
Class that collects data for graphical output and stores it in concepts::ElementMatrices and graphics...
Definition: denseMatrixGraphics.hh:69
DenseMatrixCollection(MatrixCounterCell &counter, bool data=true)
Constructor: Creates a DenseMatrixCollection holding matrices for graphical output with graphics::Den...
const uint n()=0
concepts::RCP< concepts::ElementMatrix< typename concepts::Datatype< F >::type > > getFunction(const concepts::Space< G > &spc, const concepts::ElementFormula< F, G > &frm)
Returns a vector with the value of the function on the quadrature-points of a given space using the g...
Definition: denseMatrixGraphics.hh:194
Class that hold and manage a std::map with concepts::ElementMatrices for graphical output,...
Definition: denseMatrixGraphics.hh:27