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48 concepts::ParsedFormula<concepts::Real2d> frm("(-pi/2*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi/2*y))","(-pi/2*sin(pi*x)*sin(pi/2*y))");
A function class to calculate element matrices for the bilinear form.
Definition: bf_advection.hh:74
Imports a 2D quadrilateral mesh from mesh generator gmsh.
Definition: meshImport2Dgmsh.hh:39
void setupLaplace(vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >())
Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Laplace, namely.
Definition: parsedFormula.hh:94
void setupRiesz(vectorial::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &lf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > > frm)
Function to setup a linear form related to the vector Riesz, namely.
The Neumann trace of the approximated function in a FE space.
Definition: function.hh:355
Base class for element functions for hp elements in 2D.
Definition: functionBase.hh:38
Helper class for building 2D hp-FEM spaces (space pre builder).
Definition: spacePreBuilder.hh:168
A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix.
Definition: bf_identity.hh:58
void setupIdentity(vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >())
Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Identity, namely.
void setupIdDiv(vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >())
Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Identity, namely.
Base class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian, for both scalar and matrix formulas.
Definition: bf_laplace.hh:62
A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian.
Definition: bf_laplace.hh:91
A base of a 2D quad FEM element for different basis functions.
Definition: arrayElementFormula.hh:17
hp-adaptive FEM space in 2D composed of separate spaces hpAdapativeSpace and may be discontinuous.
Definition: hpAdaptiveSpaceDG.hh:27
The Dirichlet trace of the approximated function in a FE space.
Definition: function.hh:271
void setupDivDiv(vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >())
Function to setup a bilinear form.