constraints Namespace Reference

Essential boundary conditions and multi-point constraints [1]. More...


class  AnalyticalConstraint
 Models an analytical constraint. More...
class  ConstraintsList
 List of AnalyticalConstraint. More...
class  Element
 Element of the constraints space. More...
class  Space
 Space of constraints. More...

Detailed Description

Essential boundary conditions and multi-point constraints [1].

The idea is to formulate the constraints as a linear system which has to be fullfilled by the solution:

\[ Cx = g, \]

where x is the solution vector, C the constraints matrix and g its right hand side. The assumptions for g and C are as follows:

  • Cx = g is solveable, ie. g is in the range of C.
  • If a solution exists, it is unique, ie. the intersection of the kernel of C and the kernel of the stiffness matrix is trivial.
  • C is of full rank, ie. the conditions are linearly independent.

The last conditions asserts that $(CC^\top)^{-1}$ is well defined.

Using C and g, the constraint stiffness matrix is defined by

\[ S' = C^\top C + Q^\top S Q, \]

where $ Q = 1 - C^\top (CC^\top)^{-1} C $ (symmetric!) and the constraint right hand side is defined by

\[ f' = C^\top g + Q^\top(f - SRg), \]

where $ R = C^\top (CC^\top)^{-1} $. Solving $ S'x = f' $ results in a unique solution x which satisfies the constraints Cx = g and the original problem Sx = f.

In an application, this could be used in the following way:

    constraints::ConstraintsList<Real> constrList;
Add analytical constraints to constrList
Compute C
    constraints::Space<Real> constrSpc(spc, constrList);
    concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> C(constrSpc, spc, constrList);
    concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> Ct(C, true);
Compute CCtinv
    concepts::Compose<Real> CtC(Ct, C);
    concepts::Compose<Real> CCt(C, Ct);
    concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> CCtmatrix(CCt);
    concepts::SuperLU CCtinv(CCtmatrix);
Compute R and Q
    concepts::Compose<Real> R(Ct, CCtinv);
    concepts::Compose<Real> Qmin(R, C);
    concepts::LiCoI<Real> Q(Qmin, -1.0);
Compute the stiffness matrix
    Identity mass_bf;
    concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> mass(spc, mass_bf);
    Laplace stiff_bf;
    concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> stiff(spc, stiff_bf);
    concepts::LiCo<Real> S(stiff, mass);
Compute S'
    concepts::Compose<Real> QS(Q, S);
    concepts::Compose<Real> QSQ(QS, Q);
    concepts::LiCo<Real> Sp(CtC, QSQ);
Compute g and f'
    concepts::Vector<Real> g(constrSpc, constrList);
    concepts::Vector<Real> Rg(spc);
    concepts::Vector<Real> SRg(spc);
    R(g, Rg);
    S(Rg, SRg);
    RHS rhs_lf;
    concepts::Vector<Real> f(spc, rhs_lf);
    f -= SRg;
    concepts::Vector<Real> fp(spc);
    Q(f, fp);
    Ct(g, SRg);
    fp += SRg;
    concepts::CG<Real> solver(Sp, 1e-15, 2000);
    concepts::Vector<Real> sol(spc);
    solver(fp, sol);

The following figure gives an overview of the classes in this namespace
UML diagram of classes in namespace constraints

See also
Ainsworth, Essential boundary conditions and multi-point constraints in finite element analysis, 2000, Comput. Methods Appl Mech. Engrg. 190 (2001) 6323-6339
Philipp Frauenfelder, 2002
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21 August 2020
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