Tim De Ryck



Quant finance

In the summer of 2023, I did an internship as a quantitative researcher at G-Research.

President of VMM

After having been a board member for a year, I was the president of the Verein des akademischen Mittelbaus (VMM) for two years (2022-2024). The VMM represents the academic mid-​level faculty at the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zürich in various working groups and conferences. In addition, we organize social activities for all doctoral students and postdocs.

Group organiser

In 2022-2023, I managed a group of 25-30 doctoral students and postdocs as the group organiser (head assistant) of the Seminar for Applied Mathematics (SAM) at D-MATH. I was responsible for distributing the teaching and correcting load evenly between all employees, organising PhD applications and hiring teaching assistants for all courses taught at SAM. I was the point of contact for the department and other groups at D-MATH.

Teaching assistant

I have been a teaching assistant for the following courses:

Course organiser

I was the course organiser for the following courses:


I completed referee reports (reviews) for the following scientific journals: