Daniel Kršek

Daniel Kršek

About me

I am currently a doctoral student of Prof. Dr. Dylan Possamaï and Prof. Dr. Beatrice Acciaio at the Department of Mathematics of ETH Zürich. Specifically, I am a member of Assistant Group 3 and the Stochastic Finance Group. My interests lie in stochastic analysis, stochastic (partial) differential equations, BSDEs, optimal control, optimal transport, and their applications in mathematical finance.

For more information, see my CV. You can also visit my ArXiv, Orcid and Google Scholar.

Contact information

Postal address

ETH Zurich Daniel Krsek Department of Mathematics Group 3 HG G 47.1 Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zurich Switzerland

Contact data

+41 44 632 3428 https://people.math.ethz.ch/~dkrsek