Prof. Dr. Francesca Da Lio

Analysis IV ( Fourier Theory & Hilbert Spaces ), D-MATH

Spring Semester 2025

Lecturer: Prof. Francesca Da Lio

Exercise hours coordinator: Thomas Stucker

Diary of the lectures

#Week Date Content Notes Reference
1 20/21.02.2025 Slides of presentation of the course Motivation to the study of Hilbert Spaces. Definition of Inner Product Spaces. Examples. Norms. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (proof). Parallelogram law. Continuity of the inner product with respect to the product topology. Class Notes
2 27/28.02.2025

Recommended bibliography (Undergraduate-Master level):

[Iac] Lecture Notes, Mikaela Iacobelli.

[Bo] Méthodes mathématiques pour les sciences physiques, Jena-Michel Bony École polytechnique, 2000.

[Bre] Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations Haim Brezis, (Universitext) 2011th Edition.

[Ev] Partial Differential Equations" by Evans (American Mathematical Society, Laurence Craig Evans, AMS 2010 (2nd edition).

[Y] An Introduction to Hilbert Spaces, Nicholas Young, Cambridge, Mathematical Textbooks, 1992.

Further reading: