Instructions for authors
- General:
- For correct formatting, you can find and download the Springer LATEX macro package here.
- For
detailed instructions on how to prepare your manuscript for Finance and
Stochastics, please go to the address
and choose there the menu "Submission guidelines".
- Please read and follow these instructions carefully. Please observe that these instructions
already apply to submissions, especially with regard to exposition and
- Submissions:
- Papers should be submitted by e-mail to Finance and Stochastics.
- There is no submission fee.
- Acknowledgements are not sent automatically, it may take one or two working days until you receive an acknowledgement for your submission.
- Accepted papers (special instructions):
- Please observe the general instructions under 1.
- For correct spacing, numbering etc., please insert the following
documentclass: \documentclass[numbook, envcountsect,
envcountsame, envcountreset, runningheads, smallextended]{svjour3}
- If your paper has an Appendix, please make sure that the text size is set to \appendix\normalsize.
- Please include in your manuscript the MSC 2010 numbers (see
and the JEL classification codes (see
Last update 29.09.2022
Jean-Luc Pfisterer