Michele Marcionelli - Head of IT at D-MATH

Subversion Mini-Howto

General svn commands

Checkout (co) a working copy from a repository:

svn checkout

Update (up), bring changes from the repository into the working copy:

svn update

Display update information (what will be updated):

svn status -u

Print the status (st) of working copy files and directories:

svn status

Display the differences (diff, di) between two revisions or paths:

svn diff

Put new files and directories under version control (will be added in next commit):

svn add

Commit (ci), send changes from your working copy to the repository:

svn commit -m

Special setting for "last changed by…"

vi ~/.subversion/config
enable-auto-props = yes
* = svn:keywords=Id

In each files of the working copy add in the header or footer following line (usually in a comment depending on the programming language):


For instance

<!-- as HTML comment $Id$ -->
# or bash comment $Id$