Peter A. Whalley

Also visit my Google Scholar.

[11] L. Shaw and P. A. Whalley. Random Reshuffling for Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics, arXiv:2501.16055, 2025.

[10] D. Paulin*, P. A. Whalley*, N. K. Chada and B. Leimkuhler. Sampling from Bayesian neural network posteriors with symmetric minibatch splitting Langevin dynamics, arXiv:2410.19780 , 2024.

[9] K. Schuh and P. A. Whalley. Convergence of kinetic Langevin samplers for non-convex potentials, arXiv:2405.09992, 2024.

[8] N. K. Chada, B. Leimkuhler, D. Paulin and P. A. Whalley. Unbiased kinetic Langevin Monte Carlo with inexact gradients, arXiv:2311.05025, 2023.

[7] J. Chen, P. A. Whalley et al. A new concept model for seed germination and seedling tillering of winter wheat in the field, Royal Society Open Science, 12 (1), 240723, 2025.

[6] D. Paulin and P. A. Whalley. Correction to “Wasserstein distance estimates for the distributions of numerical approximations to ergodic stochastic differential equations", Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR),(376):1−9, 2024.

[5] B. Leimkuhler, D. Paulin and P. A. Whalley. Contraction rate estimates of stochastic gradient kinetic Langevin integrators ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 57 (6), Special issue - To commemorate Assyr Abdulle, 2255-2286, 2024.

[4] B. Leimkuhler, D. Paulin and P. A. Whalley. Contraction and convergence rates for discretized kinetic Langevin dynamics SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 62, 1226-1258, 2024.

[3] P. A. Whalley, D. Paulin and B. Leimkuhler. Randomized time Riemannian manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Statistics and Computing 34, 48, 2024.

[2] X. X. Zhang, P. A. Whalley et al. An overlooked mechanism underlying the attenuated temperature response of soil heterotrophic respiration Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19, 20220276, 2022.

[1] X. X. Zhang, P. A. Whalley et al. A comparison between water uptake and root length density in winter wheat: effects of root density and rhizosphere properties Plant and Soil 451, 343-356, 2020.

* denotes equal contribution.