Dr. Bernd Fellinghauer
Member of the statistical consulting service at the Seminar für Statistik. Prior to this engagement, I completed my PhD on "Understanding Human Functioning and Disability Using Graphical Models" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann in collaboration with Swiss Paraplegic Research.
- High-Dimensional Data Analysis
- Graphical Models
- Computational Statistics
- Human Functioning and Rehabilitation
- Fellinghauer B, Reinhardt JD, Stucki G, Bickenbach, J. Explaining the disability paradox: a cross-sectional anlaysis of the Swiss general population. BMC Public Health, 2012; 12:655
- Reinhardt JD, Mansmann U, Fellinghauer B, Strobl R, Grill E, von Elm E,
Stucki G. Functioning and disability in people living with spinal cord
injury in high- and low-resourced countries: a comparative analysis of
14 countries. International Journal of Public Health, 2011;
- Fellinghauer B, Roth A, Bugari K, Reinhardt JD. Construct validity, test-retest reliability, and internal consistency of the Photo Elicitation Semantic Differential scale (PESD) in disability research. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 2011; 23(3):257-265
- Geyh S, Fellinghauer B, Kirchberger I, Post MWM. Cross-cultural validity of four quality of life scales in persons with spinal cord injury. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2010; 8:94
- Reinhardt JD, Ballert CS, Fellinghauer B, Lötscher A, Gradinger F, Hilfiker R, Graf S, Stucki G. Visual perception and appraisal of persons with impairments: a randomised controlled field experiment using photo elicitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2010; Early Online, 1-12
- Reinhardt JD, Fellinghauer B, Strobl R, Stucki G. Dimension reduction in human functioning and disability outcomes research: graphical models versus principal components analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2010; 32(12):1000–1010
- Kalisch M, Fellinghauer B, Grill E, Maathuis MH, Mansmann U, Bühlmann P, Stucki G. Understanding human functioning using graphical models. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2010; 10:14
Book Chapters
- Fellinghauer B, Reinhardt JD, Stucki G. Towards an Epidemiology of Functioning. In: Franchignoni F, editor. Research Issues in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Pavia: Maugeri Foundation Books; 2010
Under Review
- Fellinghauer B, Bühlmann P, Ryffel M, von Rhein M, Reinhardt JD. Stable Graphical Model Estimation with Random Forests for Discrete, Continuous, and Mixed Variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, http://arxiv.org/abs/1109.0152
Oral presentations
- Is Disability Dependent on Context? Fellinghauer B, Bühlmann, P, Reinhardt, JD. Health & Functioning: What Matters? 2nd PhD Research Festival of the Swiss Parapeglic Research, Nottwil, Switzerland and the Swedish Institute of Disability Research, Linköping University, Sweden, 11th November, 2011
[Awarded Prix du Jury and the Prix du Public]
- Applying Stability Selection to Random Forests. Fellinghauer B, Ryffel M, Bühlmann P. 23rd Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics of the Norwegian Statistical Association, Voss, Norway, 14.-17. June, 2010
- Structuring the Complexity of Human Functioning and Disability with Probabilistic Graphical Models - A Comparison of Lower- and Higher-Resource Countries. Reinhardt JD, Mansmann U, Fellinghauer B, Strobl R, Grill E, von Elm E, Stucki G. 23rd Conference of the German-Speaking Medical Society for Paraplegia (DMGP e.V.), Swiss Paraplegics Centre, Nottwil, Switzerland, 9.-12. June, 2010
- Applying Stability Selection to Random Forests. Fellinghauer B, Ryffel M, Bühlmann P. 2nd Conference of the German Workgroup Statistics (DAGStat): Statistics under one umbrella, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, 23.-26. March, 2010
- Likelihood-Based Boosting for Generalized Additive Models. Fellinghauer B, Tutz G. 14th Workshop for Junior Scientists of the German Statistical Society, wannseeFORUM and Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 14.-16. May, 2008
Poster presentations
- Modeling Neurodevelopment in Children Experiencing a Heart Surgery - A Random Forest-Based Graphical Model. Fellinghauer B, Ryffel M, Beck I, Molinari L, Landolt M, Latal B, Bühlmann P. IBS/GMDS Working Group on Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: Advances in Statistical Modeling of High Dimensional Data: Variable Selection and Challenges in Image Analysis, University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 17.-18. September, 2009
- Visual Impressions of Disability and Appraisal of the Person: A Survey and Field Experiment Applying Photo Elicitation. Reinhardt JD, Ballert CS, Fellinghauer B, Lötscher A, Gradinger F, Hilfiker R, Graf S, Stucki G. PhD School in Rehabilitation Research, University of Southern Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15.-18. December, 2008
- Simulation Studies: An Approach to Evaluate Novel Statistical Methods. Fellinghauer B, Bühlmann P, Stucki G. 1st Swiss Paraplegic Research PhD Festival, Nottwil, Switzerland, 17. November, 2010
- Representing Complexity in Human Functioning and Disability with Probabilistic Graphical Models. Reinhardt JD, Mansmann U, Fellinghauer B, Strobl R, Grill E, von Elm E, Stucki G. Research Colloquium Sociology, University of Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland, 27. October, 2009
- Visual impressions of disability and appraisal of the person: A survey and field experiment applying photo elicitation (joint with a 1 hour introduction to Mixed Models with SPSS). Reinhardt JD, Ballert CS, Fellinghauer B, Lötscher A, Gradinger F, Hilfiker R, Graf S, Stucki G. Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 21. January, 2009
- Regular R Introduction, R Programming, and R Graphics courses at ETH Zurich and the R Crash Courses at the University of Zurich
- Regular SPSS Introduction courses at ETH Zurich
- Introduction to Statistics course at the Center of Mechanics, ETH Zurich
- Applied Statistical Regression (401-0649-99U), bi-weekly exercises, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, fall term, 2009
- Quantitative Methods in Clinical Epidemiology (7M3007), 1 day lecture on Modeling Human Functioning using Graphical Models, joint work with Ralf Strobl, Faculty of Medicine, University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 17. July, 2009