Upcoming travel
- Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory, Universität Paderborn, 09 - 13 Sep '24;
- 20 years of Anosov Representations, MPI Leipzig, 07 - 11 Ot '24.
Some past visits
- Actions of Large Groups, Geometric Structures, and the Zimmer Program, IHP Paris, 10 - 14 June '24;
- Group Actions with Hyperbolicity and Measure Rigidity, IHP Paris, 27 - 31 May '24;
- Young Geometric Group Theory XII, University of Bristol, 08 - 12 April '24;
- Workshop 'Diagonal actions in the space of lattices', Ecole Polytechnique, 04 - 06 March '24;
- Topology and Geometric Group Theory Research Seminar, Karslruhe Institute of Technology, 14 - 17 February '24;
- Workshop 'Topics in Geometric Group Theory', University of Copenhagen, 13 - 17 November '23
- GRAZP: Groups and Rigidity Around the Zimmer Program, Ventotene (Italy), 11 - 16 September '23;
- Microlocal and probabilistic methods in geometry and dynamics, IMJ-PRG (Paris, France), 03 - 07 July '23;
- Zurich Dynamics School and Conference, Universität Zürich, 08 - 16 June '23;
- Diophantine Analysis, Dynamics and Related Topics, Technion, 05 - 10 February '23;
- O-Minimality and its Applications in Diophantine Geometry and Hodge Theory, Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, 11 - 15 December '22;
- Dynamics and Groups workshop, Universität Zürich, 14 - 16 September '22;
- Conference 'Marc Burger's Prime', ETH Zürich, 27 June - 01 July '22.