Dr. Sara Kališnik Hintz

I am a Senior Scientist in the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zürich. In my research I develop and apply topological methods to analyze data from a variety of disciplines. These methods either measure the shape of the data set, that is, count the occurrences of patterns within it, or they build a combinatorial representation of its shape that can be combined with other methods. I collaborate with researchers from a variety of fields including topology, algebraic geometry, probability, statistics, and computer science, and also with experimental scientists.

Contact information

Postal address

ETH Zurich Dr. Sara Kalisnik Hintz Department of Mathematics Group 1 HG FO 27.8 Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zurich Switzerland

Contact data

+41 44 632 3425 https://people.math.ethz.ch/~skalisnik