Benny Sudakov
I am a Professor of
Mathematics at ETH, Zurich.
Before coming to ETH,
I enjoyed the hospitality of
University of California, Los Angeles,
Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Study.
I got my Ph.D. in 1999 from the School
of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University. My advisor was Noga Alon.
My work is supported by
SNSF grant 200021_196965.
Contact me
Office: Department of Mathematics, ETH, HG G 65.1
Ramistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 632 4028.
Fields of interest
Algebraic and Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics,
Extremal Graph and Hypergraph Theory,
Ramsey Theory, Random Structures, Application of
Combinatorics to Theoretical Computer Science.
Curriculum Vitae
My research
Birthday conference
Special thanks to Jacob Fox for oprganizing, Matija Bucic for the webcite and Christa Lachmuth all my group for their support.
Ph.D students
I had the great pleasure of advising the following students
Keevash, Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University, UK (Ph.D. 2004, Princeton University).
Jacob Fox, Professor of Mathematics, Stanford Unversity, USA (Ph.D. 2010, Princeton University).
Boris Bukh, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Ph.D. 2009, Princeton University).
Po-Shen Loh, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Ph.D. 2010, Princeton University).
Choongbum Lee, Finanace industry, New York (Ph.D. 2012, UCLA).
Hao Huang
, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
(Ph.D. 2012, UCLA).
Shagnik Das
, Postdoc, Frei University, Berlin (Ph.D. 2014, UCLA).
Humberto Naves, Finanace industry, New York (Ph.D. 2014, UCLA).
Wenying Gan, Finanace industry, New York (Ph.D. 2014, UCLA).
Daniel Korandi, Postdoc, Oxford, UK (Ph.D 2016 ETH).
Pedro Vieira, Data Scientist in Industry, Zurich (Ph.D 2017 ETH).
Matthew Kwan, Assistant Professor, IST Austria (Ph.D. 2018, ETH).
Nina Kamcev, Associate Professor, University of Zagreb (Ph.D. 2018, ETH).
Igor Balla, postdoc, Tel Aviv University (Ph.D. 2019, ETH).
Matija Bucic, Assistant Professor, Princeton University and IAS (Ph.D. 2021, ETH).
Nemanja Draganic, postdoc, Oxford University (Ph.D. 2023, ETH).
David Munha Correia, Ph.D 2024, ETH.
Domagoj Bradac, ETH, in progress.
Zhihan Jin, ETH, in progress.
Aleksa Milojevic, ETH, in progress.
Zach Hunter, ETH, in progress.
Grid Ramsey problem and related questions, ICM Satellite Workshop, Korea.
Paul Erdos and Graph Ramsey Theory, Erdos Centennial, Budapest.
Turan's Theorem: generalizations and applications, Turan Centennial, Budapest.
Recent developments in Extremal Combinatorics, ICM 2010, Haiderabad, India.
Kakeya-type problems and small bases
Density theorems for bipartite graphs and related Ramsey-type results
Nearly optimal embeddings of trees
Cycles and clique-minors in expanders
Induced Ramsey-type theorems
Turan's theorem: variations and generalizations
(n,d,\lambda)-graphs: properties and applications
Workshops and seminars
Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms Mittagsseminar, ETH, Zurich.
Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, UCLA, January 2013.
New Trends and Directions in Combinatorics
, Banff Resecrh Center, 2012.
Hypergraph Turan problem, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, California, March 2011.
Workshop on Combinatorics, Mathematical Institute, Oberwolfach, January 2011.
Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, AMS 2010 Fall Western Section
Combinatorics: Methods and Applications in Mathematics and Computer Science,
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM),
UCLA, September 8 - December 11, 2009.
Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics, Banff Resecrh Center,
August 23-28, 2009.
Workshop on Properties of Large Graphs: From Combinatorics to Statistical Physics and Back,
DIMACS, Rutgers University
Mini-symposium on Probabilistic Combinatorics:
Part I and
Part II,
2006 SIAM Discrete Mathematics Conference, Victoria
Probabilistic Combinatorics, Banff Resecrh Center, 2005.
Here is
photo of participants from
this meeting.
Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, AMS Eastern Section
Yehuda Afek,
Noga Alon,
Yakov Babichenko,
Jozsef Balogh,
Boaz Barak,
Sonny Ben-Shimon,
Richard Beigel,
Tom Bohman,
Bollobas, Boris Bukh,
David Conlon,
Irit Dinur,
David Ellis,
Uriel Feige,
Jacob Fox,
Peter Frankl
Ehud Friedgut,
Alan Frieze,
Zoltan Furedi,
Eli Gafni,
David Gamarnik,
Vince Grolmusz,
Gregory Gutin,
Hao Huang,
Simon Kasif,
Peter Keevash,
Alexander Kelmans, Jeong Han Kim,
Guy Kindler,
Alexandr Kostochka,
Michael Krivelevich,
Choongbum Lee,
Nati Linial,
Po-Shen Loh,
Eyal Lubetzky,
Elchanan Mossel, Dhruv Mubayi,
Ram Nathaniel,
Ryan O'Donnell,
Janos Pach,
Yuval Peres,
Oleg Pikhurko,
Rados Radoicic,
Bruce Reed,
Oded Regev,
Oliver Riordan,
Vojtech Rodl,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Steven Rudich, Mike Saks,
Alex Scott,
Ronen Shaltiel,
Asaf Shapira,
Alexander Soshnikov,
Dmitry Sotnikov
Jeffrey Steif,
Andrew Suk,
Tibor Szabo,
Endre Szemeredi,
Prasad Tetali,
Jacques Verstraete,
Danny Vilenchik,
Jan Vondrak,
Van Vu,
Avi Wigderson,
Nick Wormald, Anders Yeo, Ayal
Zaks, Uri Zwick.