Selected invited talks
- Bourbaki Seminar - Paris, 1999
Ginzburg Landau Vortices - The static Model - Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians - Beijing, 2002
Bubbling, quantization and regularity issues in geometric non-linear analysis - Plenary speaker at the Deutsche Mathematische Vereinigung, Jahrestagung - München, 2010
Conservation laws and Noether‘s Theorem in the absence of Symmetry - Plenary speaker at the "Rivière-Fabes Symposium" - Minneapolis, 2010
A PDE version of the constant variation method - Bourbaki Seminar - Paris, 2014
Méthodes de min-max et la conjecture de Willmore, d'après F.C. Marques et A.A. Neves - Abel Prize Lecture in honour of Louis Nirenberg - Oslo, May 2015 at the occasion of the Abel Prize award. Exploring the unknown: the work of Louis Nirenberg in Partial Differential Equations
- Invited speaker at the 7th European Congress of Mathematics - Berlin, 2016
How much does it cost to evert the sphere? - Invited Speaker at the Heinz Hopf Symposium in Honor of Rick Schoen - Zürich, 2017
The Cost of the Sphere Eversion and the 16π Conjecture - Bourbaki Seminar - Paris, 2019
Infinité d’hypersurfaces minimales en basses dimensions, d'après F.C. Marques, A.A. Neves et A. Song www - Abel Symposium 2023 -Bårdshaug- Herregård Norway
Area Variations under pointwise Lagrangian and Legendrian Constraints - Plenary Speaker at the International Congress of Basic Sciences - Beijing 2024
The calculus of variations of surface area. Some latest developments. (