
Woonam Lim

I moved to Utrecht University. Here is my new website.

Email: woonam.lim at
Office: HG J 43, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

I am a postdoc at ETH Zurich working in algebraic geometry. My mentor is Rahul Pandharipande. Before joining ETH Zurich, I did my Ph.D. at UCSD under supervision of Dragos Oprea. Here is my CV.

I work in algebraic geometry with a focus on moduli spaces of sheaf-theoretic objects (e.g. stable sheaves, quotients, framed sheaves, quiver representations). Specifically, I study enumerative properties of these moduli spaces by means of partition functions, wall-crossing formulas, geometric representation theory.

Papers and Preprints


Invited Talks (with notes)



I organized Enumerative Geometry seminar at UCSD. See here for its continuation.

Fall 2020: Donaldson-Thomas theory of 3-fold and CY 4-fold. See here.

Spring 2020: Enumerative geometry of K3 surfaces. See here.

Winter 2020: Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces and Beauville-Voisin conjecture for HyperKahler varieties. See here.

Fall 2019: Vafa-Witten invariants of surfaces. See here.