Reading List

MATH-GA 2830.002 Advanced Topics in Applied Math: Math And Data Working Group
Statistical To Computational Gaps And Statistical Estimation With Algebraic Structure

(Fall 2018, NYU Courant Math)

Afonso S. Bandeira
bandeira [at] cims [dot] nyu [dot] edu

Lectures/Meetings: Tue 4pm-5.50pm at CIWW312 (Research Meeting continues to 7pm)

Piazza page available here.
We will also use the MaD Slack group (fall2018_workinggroup channel), write me an email if you would like an invite to the group
Schedule available here

Description: This is an advanced research working group. Directed to students interested in doing research in this field. The topics to be covered will be described on the first lecture and the readings added below as the semester progresses.

Previous research experience is not required, however a working knowledge of linear algebra, probability, and some familiarity with the basics of optimization and algorithms is required.

Grading: Grading will be based on student presentations during the semester (at least twice each student, it will depend on the number of students)
I am here to help: please let me know of your goals for your project and keep me up to date of your progress on it. If you have any question, want to discuss a problem, or brainstorm about any research idea, just email me and we'll schedule a time to meet.
Feedback: Also, if you have any comment or feedback on the class (it's going too fast, too slow, you want me to cover more of something, or less of something else, etc) please let me know (in person or through email) or submit a comment to this google form. Having direct feedback from you is the best way for me to try give lectures that you like! (keep in mind that I don't know who sent me the comment or feedback and there is no way for me to answer, for questions use email, or my blog).

Reading List / Schedule / Open Problems :