Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
Naglowav | Used for the aglowav classes for the boundary element method |
Naglowav2 | Used for the aglowav2 classes for the boundary element method |
Nalglib | |
Nalglib_impl | |
Nbem | Used for the basic classes of the boundary element method |
Ncluster | Used for the cluster classes for the boundary element method |
Nconcepts | Basic namespace for Concepts-2 |
Nconceptspy | |
Nconstraints | Essential boundary conditions and multi-point constraints [1] |
Neigensolver | Eigenvalue solvers |
Nestimator | |
Ngeometry | |
Ngraphics | Graphics |
Ngraphicspy | |
Nhp1D | 1D hp-FEM |
▼Nhp2D | 2D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements |
Nl2 | 2D hp-FEM for L2-conforming elements |
Nhp2Dedge | Hp 2D edge elements for electromagnetics |
Nhp2Dpy | |
Nhp3D | 3D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements |
Nhp3Dedge | Hp 3D edge elements for electromagnetics |
NlinDG1D | DG FEM for 1D problems using piecewise linear shape functions |
NlinDG2D | DG FEM for 2D problems using piecewise linear shape functions |
NlinDG3D | DG-FEM methods to solve elliptic and hyperbolic PDE's |
NlinearFEM | Linear FEM in 1D, 2D and 3D |
Nmechanics | |
Nsparseqr | SparseQR solver |
Nstd | |
Ntest | Unit tests |
Ntimestepping | Timestepping methods used to solve PDEs in time and space |
Nvectorial | Vector valued problems |