Upcoming Events and News
Upcoming events and invited talks
- Feb 2025: Analysis Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US.
- Mar 2025: Analysis Seminar, Columbia University, New York, US.
- Mar 2025: Analysis Seminar, Courant Institute (NYU), New York, US.
- May 2025: PDE Seminar at Brown University, Providence, US.
- June 2025: Summer School Bonn Particles in Flow, University of Bonn, Germany.
- July 2025: Plenary speaker at the Regensburg GAP days on Geometric Group Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and PDEs, Germany.
- Aug 2025: SLMath Kinetic Program Introductory Workshop, Berkeley, US.
- June 2026: Summer School Methods and Models of Kinetic Theory, Pesaro, Italy.
Co-organized seminars
- Sep 2019 - present: Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics, ETH Zurich.
- Sep 2019 - present: PDE and Mathematical Physics, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich.
- Sep 2019 - present: Analysis Seminar, ETH Zurich.