Seminar for Statistics

Dr. Sarah Gerster


Current position

Research interests

Coming from a computational science and engineering background, I am particularly interested in using computational statistics to solve interdisciplinary problems.

I am collaborating with different labs to focus on:

From a statistical point of view, this means mostly working on:


Talks & posters

R code

R implementation of the MIPGEM approach for protein and gene model inference (Gerster et al. PNAS 2010).

Personal interests

I am only a part time Ph.D. student in order to have time for all my activities outside of ETH ;-)

Volunteering activities

Gardening, farming and nature in general

My parents live in the countryside and I have the opportunity to help with many gardening and farming tasks. I especially enjoy:

Playing in a recorder quartet

After over 10 years of recorder lessons, I decided to quit the class in 2002 when I started university. However, I kept meeting 3 of my former fellow students to play together and we finally became the quartet "Les flutes au bec" which still exists today. We meet regularly to play together on a large game of recorders (from sopranino to contra bass). We give concerts 3 or 4 times a year.

Discovering new cultures


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