- Wiegand, L., Twitchett, A., Schwierz, C. and P. Knippertz, 2011: Heavy precipitation at the Alpine south side and Saharan dust over central Europe: A predictability study using TIGGE. Weather and Forecasting, e-View, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-10-05060.1.
- Martius, O., Schwierz, C. and H. C. Davies, 2010: Tropopause-Level Waveguides, J. Atm. Sci., 67 (3), pp. 866-879, doi: 10.1175/2009JAS2995.1
- Schlemmer, L., Martius, O., Sprenger, M., Schwierz, C. and A. Twitchett, 2010: Disentangling the forcing mechanisms of heavy precipitation events along the Alpine south side using potential vorticity inversion, Mon. Wea. Rev.,138 (6), pp. 2336-2353,doi: 10.1175/2009MWR3202.1
- Schwierz, C., Köllner-Heck, P., Zenklusen Mutter, E., Bresch, D.N.,
Vidale, P.-L., Wild, M. and C. Schär, 2010: Modelling European winter
wind storm losses in current and future climate, Climatic Change, 101
(3-4), pp. 485-514, doi:10.1007/s10584-009-9712-1
- Jenkner, J., Sprenger, M., Schwenk, I., Schwierz, C., Dierer, S. and D. Leuenberger, 2009: Detection and climatology of fronts in a high-resolution model reanalysis over the Alps, Meteorological Applications, available online, doi:10.1002/met.142
- Sodemann, H., Wernli, H. and Schwierz, C., 2009: Sources of water vapour contributing to the Elbe flood in August 2002 A tagging study in a mesoscale model, Q. J. R. Met. Soc., 135 (638), pp. 205 - 223, doi:10.1002/qj.374
- Jenkner, J., Frei, C. and C. Schwierz, 2008: Quantile-based short-range QPF evaluation over Switzerland, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17 (6), 827-848, Special Issue on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting.
- Altenhoff, A. M., Martius, O., Croci-Maspoli, M., Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2008: Linkage of atmospheric blocks and synoptic-scale Rossby waves: A climatological analysis., Tellus A, in print (available electronically).
- Isotta, F.; Martius, O.; Sprenger, M.; Schwierz, C., 2008. Long-term trends of synoptic-scale breaking Rossby waves in the northern hemisphere between 1958 and 2001, Int. J. Clim., 28 (12), 1551-1562, 10.1002/joc.1647 .
- Martius, O., Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2008b: Far-upstream Precursors of Heavy Precipitation Events on the Alpine South-side, Q. J. R. Met. Soc., 134 (631), 417-428.
- Martius O.; Schwierz, C.; Sprenger M., 2008a. Dynamical tropopause variability and potential vorticity streamers - a climatological analysis, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25 (3), 367-380.
- Sodemann, H., Masson-Delmotte, V., Schwierz, C., Vinther, B. and H. Wernli, 2008: Interannual variability of Greenland winter precipitation sources: 2. Effects of North
Atlantic Oscillation variability on stable isotopes. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D05102,
- Sodemann, H., C. Schwierz, and H. Wernli, 2008: Interannual variability of Greenland winter precipitation sources: 1. Lagrangian moisture diagnostic and North Atlantic Oscillation influence, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D03107, doi:10.1029/2007JD008503.
- Raible, C. C., Della-Marta, P. M., Schwierz, C., Wernli, H. and Blender, R., 2008. Northern Hemisphere Midlatitude Cyclones: A Comparison of Detection and Tracking Methods and Different Reanalyses, Monthly Weather Review, 136, pp. 880-897.
- Croci-Maspoli, M.; Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2007b: Atmospheric blocking: space-time links to the NAO and PNA, Clim. Dyn., DOI 10.1007/ s00382-007-0259-4.
- Martius, O., Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2007. Breaking waves at the Tropopause: Climatological analyses of the orientation and theoretical LC1/2 classification, J. Atm. Sci., 64, pp.2576-2592.
- Huntrieser, H.; Schlager, H.; Roiger, A.; Lichtenstern, M.; Schumann, U.; Kurz, C.; Brunner, D.; Schwierz, C.; Richter, A.; and Stohl, A., 2007. Lightning-produced NOx over Brazil during TROCCINOX: Airborne measurements in tropical and subtropical thunderstorms and the importance of mesoscale convective systems, ACP, 7, pp.2987-3013.
- Croci-Maspoli, M.; Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2007a: A multi-faceted climatology of atmospheric blocking and its recent linear trend, J. Clim., 20, pp.633-649.
- Hoinka, K.P.; Schwierz, C.; and Martius, O., 2007. Synoptic-scale weather patterns during Alpine heavy rain events, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 132 (621), pp.2853–2860.
- Schwierz, C., Appenzeller, C., Davies, H.C., Liniger, M., Müller, W., Stocker T. and M. Yoshimori, 2006: ”Challenges posed by and Approaches to the study of Seasonal-to-Decadal Climate Variability”, Climatic Change, 79 (1-2), pp.31–63.
- Wernli, H. and Schwierz, C., 2006: Surface cyclones in the ERA40 data set (1958-2001). Part I: novel identification method and global climatology, J. Atmos. Sci., 63 (10), pp.2486–2507.
- Martius, O., Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2006a: A Refined Hovmöller Diagram, Tellus A, 58, pp.221-226.
- Martius, O., Zenklusen, E., Schwierz, C. and Davies, H. C., 2006b: Episodes of alpine heavy precipitation with an overlying elongated stratospheric intrusion: a climatology, Int. J. Clim., 26, pp.1149 - 1164.
- Sodemann, H.; Palmer, A.; Schwierz, C.; Schwikowski, M.; Wernli H., 2006: The transport history of two Saharan dust events archived in an Alpine ice core, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, pp.667-688.
- Scherrer, S.C.; Croci-Maspoli, M.; Schwierz, C.; Appenzeller, C., 2006: Two-dimensional indices of atmospheric blocking and their statistical relationship with winter climate patterns in the Euro-Atlantic region, Int. J. Clim, 26, pp.233 - 249.
- Koch, G., H. Wernli, C. Schwierz, J. Staehelin and T. Peter, 2005: A composite study on the structure and formation of ozone miniholes and minihighs over central Europe, Geophys. Res. Letters, 32, L12810, doi:10.1029/2004GL022062.
- Schwierz, C., Croci-Maspoli, M. and Davies, H. C., 2004b: A perspicacious indicator of atmospheric blocking. Geophys. Res. Letters, 31 (6), L06125, doi:10.1029/2003GL019341.
- Hegglin, M., Brunner D.,Wernli H., Schwierz C., Martius O. et al., 2004: Tracing troposphereto-stratosphere transport above a mid-latitude deep convective system. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 741-756.
- Schwierz, C., Dirren S. and Davies, H. C., 2004a: Forced Waves on a Zonally-Aligned Jet Stream. J. Atmos. Sci., 61 (1), 73-87.
- Schwierz, C. B. and Davies, H. C., 2003: Evolution of a synoptic-scale vortex advecting toward a high mountain. Tellus, 55A (2), 158-172.
- Benoit, R., C. Schär, P. Binder, S. Chamberland, H.C. Davies et al., 2002: The real-time ultrafinescale forecast support during the Special Observing Period of the MAP. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 83, 85-109.
Other Publications
- Bloom, A.A.; Brooks, I.M.; Hill, M.K.; Schwierz, C.; Norris, S J; Telszewski, M.; Schuster,
U.; Yelland, M.J.; Moat, B.I.; Pascal, R.W., 2007: CO2 Flux Measurements during SEASAW, AMS 15th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, August 20-24, 2007, Portland,
- ProClim, 2005: “Hitzesommer 2003 - Synthesebericht”. Bericht von ProClim- in Zusammenarbeit mit OcCC, GEOforumCH, ACP, Report, November 2005.
- Schwierz, C., Martius, O. and H. C. Davies, 2005: Climatologies of Rossby waves and Streamers - results and perspectives, WMO Special Issue on the 1st THORPEX International Science Symposium, 6-10 December, Montreal, Canada.
- Furger M, Rossa A, Schwierz C, 2004: Editorial I: International Conference on Alpine Meteorology and MAP Meeting 19-23 May 2003, Brig, Switzerland. Meteorol. Z., 13 (1):
- Rossa A, Schwierz C, Furger M, 2004: Editorial II: International Conference on Alpine Meteorology and MAP Meeting 19-23 May 2003, Brig, Switzerland Meteorol. Z.,13 (2),
- Schwierz C, Rossa A, Furger M, 2004: Editorial III: International Conference on Alpine Meteorology and MAP Meeting 19-23 May 2003, Brig, Switzerland Meteorol. Z.,13 (3),
- Martius, O., Schwierz, C. and Davies, H.C., 2003: Dynamical aspects of the formation of a potential vorticity streamer over Europe. Proc. of the ICAM-MAP Meeting, Brig,
Switzerland, May 2003.
- Schwierz, C. and Davies, Huw C., 2002: Cyclone tracks in the vicinity of Greenland – aspects of an interaction process. Proc. 10th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Park City Utah (CO), June 17-21, 2002.
- Schwierz, C., 2002: Short-term climate variability and seasonal prediction. ProClimFlash No. 23, April 2002 - NCCR Climate.
PhD thesis
Schwierz, C., 2001: Interactions of Greenland-scale orography and extra-tropical synoptic-scale flow. PhD thesis, No.14356, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH.
Diploma thesis
Schwierz, C., 1997: Asymmetrischer Transport und Gedächtniseffekte. Diploma thesis, Technical University of Munich.