

Two dimensional FEM in Concepts. This code features high order Ansatz functions and irregular meshes (local, anisotropic refinements in h and p). All classes for the hp-FEM in two dimensions can be found in the namespace hp2D.

The equation solved is a reaction-diffusion equation (without reaction term)

\[ - \Delta u = 0 \]

on the L shaped domain (-1,1)2 \ (0,1)x(-1,0) with mixed boundary conditions chosen such that the exact solution is $ r^{2/3}\sin(2/3 \phi)$. The linear system is solved using CG or a direct solver. L shaped domain The boundary conditions are homogeneous Dirichlet on the edges 0 and 9 and non-zero Neumann on the rest of the boundary.

The exact solution is $ r^{2/3}\sin(2/3 \phi)$.

The convergence in energy norm is shown in the results section together with plots of the solution.


  1. Commented Program
    1. FEM Routine
    2. Main Program
  2. Results
  3. Complete Source Code

Commented Program

System include files.

#include <memory>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>

Concepts include files. hp2D.hh is for the high order method.

#include "basics.hh"
#include "toolbox.hh"
#include "formula.hh"
#include "geometry.hh"
#include "space.hh"
#include "function.hh"
#include "graphics.hh"
#include "operator.hh"
#include "hp2D.hh"

With this using directive, we do not need to prepend concepts:: before Real everytime.

FEM Routine

The only parameters of the routine fem are some input parameters in input, the boundary conditions in bc and the additional argument output is used to for the gathering the output.

Set up some abbreviations for some parameters found in input. If any of those parameters does not exist in input, an exception is thrown.

l is the number of levels to compute on and p the initial polynomial degree.

const uint l = input.getInt("level");
const uint p = input.getInt("polynomial");

meshNameBase contains the base name of the mesh files.

const std::string meshNameBase = input.getString("meshNameBase");

exenergy gets the value of the exact energy.

const Real exenergy = input.getDouble("exenergy");

solverType holds the type of solver to use:

const uint solverType = input.getInt("solver");


The following lines put together the names for the files which contain the coordinates, the elements and the boundary conditions of the mesh.

std::stringstream fileCoord;
fileCoord << meshNameBase << "Coord.dat" << std::ends;
output.addString("coordFile", fileCoord.str().c_str());
std::stringstream fileElements;
fileElements << meshNameBase << "Elements.dat" << std::ends;
output.addString("elementsFile", fileElements.str().c_str());
std::stringstream fileBoundary;
fileBoundary << meshNameBase << "Boundary.dat" << std::ends;
output.addString("boundaryFile", fileBoundary.str().c_str());

Then, these names are given to the mesh importer which reads the files and creates a mesh from it.

concepts::Import2dMesh msh(fileCoord.str(), fileElements.str(),
std::cout << "msh = " << msh << std::endl;


Using the mesh, the space can be built. Note that the elements are not yet created as this is an adaptive space. It builds its elements only on request via hp2D::Space::rebuild()

hp2D::Space space(msh, 0, p, &bc);

Now, the loop over the different computational levels is initialized.

for (uint i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;

timer is used to clock some parts of the code.

Now, it is time to build the elements of the space. If there are degrees of freedom in the space, it might be worth to compute something. Otherwise, we skip directly to the refinement of the space.

if (space.dim() > 0) {

The time to build the space and the number of degrees of freedom are stored to generate some statistics in the post-processing.

output.addArrayDouble("space_time", i, timer.utime());
output.addArrayInt("dof", i, space.dim());

The newly built space is printed and written to file in different formats.

std::cout << " space = " << space << std::endl;
graphics::drawMeshEPS(space, "mesh.eps");
graphics::drawMeshDX(space, "mesh.dx");


The right hand side is computed. In our case, the vector rhs only contains the integrals of the Neumann boundary conditions as the right hand side f is 0.

(input.getString("f").c_str()), &bc);
concepts::Vector<Real> rhs(space, lform);

The stiffness matrix is computed from a linear combination of the two bilinear forms hp2D::Laplace and hp2D::Identity. In our case, c is 0 and there is no contribution of hp2D::Identity. Instead of using concepts::BilinearFormLiCo, one could also build a linear combination of the matrices using concepts::LiCo. Sometimes, it is a matter of taste, sometimes a matter of efficiency which one is used.

// ** matrices **
// declare formulas for each entry of the 2x2 coefficient matrix
// assemble the formulas in a MatrixElementFormula
std::vector< concepts::ElementFormulaContainer<Real> > formulas;
// create the Laplacian-BF with Matrix coefficients
#if 0
concepts::BilinearFormLiCo<Real> bform(la, id, input.getDouble("a"),
concepts::BilinearFormLiCo<Real> bform(lamat, id, input.getDouble("a"),
concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> lamat_M(space, lamat);
#if 0
cout << "la_M: " << concepts::DenseMatrix<Real>( la_M ) << endl;
cout << "lamat_M: " << concepts::DenseMatrix<Real>( lamat_M ) << endl;
lamat_M.addInto(la_M, -1);
cout << "error: " << concepts::DenseMatrix<Real>( la_M ) << endl;
cout << "error: " << la_M << endl;
concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> stiff(space, bform);
output.addArrayDouble("stiff_time", i, timer.utime());
std::cout << " matrix: " << stiff << std::endl;

The next part is the linear solver. There are quite a few available for Concepts and here is a switch case statement offering a choice among the different solvers (if they are installed – hence the #ifdef statements). The variable solver makes use of the common base class concepts::Operator of all solvers: it is a pointer to the solver to be chosen in the switch clause.

// ** set up solver **
std::unique_ptr<concepts::Operator<Real> > solver(nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<concepts::DiagonalMatrix<Real> > diag(nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<concepts::DiagonalSolver<Real> > precond(nullptr);
#ifdef HAS_PETSC
std::unique_ptr<concepts::PETScMat> stiffP(nullptr);
switch(solverType) {
case 0:
diag.reset(new concepts::DiagonalMatrix<Real>(stiff));
precond.reset(new concepts::DiagonalSolver<Real>(*diag));
solver.reset(new concepts::CG<Real>(stiff, *precond, 1e-6,
#ifdef HAS_PETSC
case 1:
stiffP.reset(new concepts::PETScMat(stiff));
solver.reset(new concepts::PETSc(*stiffP, 1e-12, "bcgs", "ilu"));
#ifdef HAS_SuperLU
case 2: solver.reset(new concepts::SuperLU<Real>(stiff)); break;
case 3: solver.reset(new concepts::Umfpack(stiff, true)); break;
case 4: solver.reset
(concepts::MissingFeature("solver not present"));

Now, everything is prepared to solve the linear system.

sol is an empty vector to hold the solution of the linear system.

// ** solve **
(*solver)(rhs, sol);
output.addArrayDouble("solve_time", i, timer.utime());

Some immediate statistics of the solver.

std::cout << " solver = " << *solver << std::endl;
std::cout << " solve time " << output.getArrayDouble("solve_time", i)
<< std::endl;
switch(solverType) {
case 0: {
const concepts::CG<Real>* s =
dynamic_cast<const concepts::CG<Real>*>(solver.get());
output.addArrayInt("iterations", i, s->iterations());
#ifdef HAS_PETSC
case 1: {
const concepts::PETSc* s =
dynamic_cast<const concepts::PETSc*>(solver.get());
output.addArrayInt("iterations", i, s->iterations());


The energy of the FE solution in sol can be computed by multiplying sol and rhs. It is stored together with the relative error of the FE energy.

const Real FEenergy = sol*rhs;
std::cout << " FE energy = " << std::setprecision(20)
<< FEenergy << std::setprecision(6);
output.addArrayDouble("feenergy", i, FEenergy);
const Real relError = fabs(FEenergy - exenergy)/exenergy;
std::cout << ", rel. energy error = " << std::setprecision(20)
<< relError << std::setprecision(6) << std::endl;
output.addArrayDouble("energyError", i, relError);

If it was selected to have graphical representation of the solution, the data is written to a file using graphics::drawDataGnuplot.

if (input.getBool("graphics")) {
std::stringstream name;
name << "hpFEM2d-" << i << ".gnuplot" << std::ends;
graphics::drawDataGnuplot(space, name.str(), sol);
} // if dim > 0

Refinement of the Space

If there are further computations (ie. i < l-1), the space is refined using hp2D::APrioriRefinement towards the vertex (and/or edge) carying a singularity. This information has to be given a-priori by the user.

if (i < l-1) {
int pMax[2] = { 1, 1 };
hp2D::APrioriRefinement refineSpace(space, input.getInt("vtxRef"),
input.getInt("edgRef"), pMax);
} // for level i

Main Program

Set up the input parameter space (more in the inputoutput.cc tutorial).

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
concepts::InputParser inputParser(true);

Parse the input file and extract the variables from it. Mainly the boundary conditions of the problem are relevant from the input file.

inputParser.parse(SOURCEDIR "/applications/hpFEM2d.concepts");

Default values for some parameters:

  • Number of levels to compute on
    input.addInt("level", 3);
  • Initial polynomial degree of the space
    input.addInt("polynomial", 1);
  • Graphics?
    input.addBool("graphics", false);
  • Coefficient of the diffusion term in the problem
    input.addDouble("a", 1);
  • Coefficient of the reaction term
    input.addDouble("c", 0);
  • Right hand side
    input.addString("f", "(0)");
  • Attribute of the vertex which has a singularity
    input.addInt("vtxRef", 10);
  • Attribute of the edge which has a singularity (none in this case)
    input.addInt("edgRef", 0);
  • Type of solver to use
    input.addInt("solver", 0);
  • Base name of mesh input files
    input.addString("meshNameBase", SOURCEDIR "/applications/lshape2D");
  • Title of the problem
    input.addString("title" , "singularity in (0,0) in L shaped domain");
  • File name for output data
    std::stringstream outfile;
    outfile << argv[0] << ".out" << std::ends;
    input.addString("parameterout", outfile.str().c_str());
  • File name for graphics of solution
    std::stringstream outfileG;
    outfileG << argv[0] << ".gnuplot" << std::ends;
    input.addString("gnuplot", outfileG.str().c_str());

Prepare space for output data (mainly statistics):

output.addString("version", "$Id: hpFEM2d.cc,v 1.7 2005/03/11 21:34:02 kersten Exp $");

These data should be printed in tabular form at the end of the program: each array which should be included in the table has to be added to table.

table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::INT, "dof", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "energyError", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "feenergy", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::INT, "iterations", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "space_time", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "stiff_time", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "solve_time", output);

Command Line Arguments

This parses the command line and adds the parameters to input. How this is done is explained in the inputoutput.cc tutorial.

// ********************************************************** input data **
std::string inputfile;
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "-f:l:p:g")) != EOF)
switch(opt) {
case 'l': input.addInt("level", std::atoi(optarg)); break;
case 'p': input.addInt("polynomial", std::atoi(optarg)); break;
case 'f': inputfile = std::string(optarg);
case 'g': input.addBool("graphics", true); break;
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [-f FILE] [-l LEVEL] [-p DEGREE] [-d]"
<< std::endl
<< "where" << std::endl
<< " FILE: name of the input file" << std::endl
<< " LEVEL: level of refinement" << std::endl
<< " DEGREE: polynomial degree" << std::endl
<< " -g: graphics of solution" << std::endl
<< "Options given after the input file override the values "
<< "read from the"
<< std::endl << "input file." << std::endl;

The boundary conditions are read from the input file into input and have to be converted to concepts::BoundaryConditions. The input file contains two arrays: bctype and bcform with the type of the boundary condition and its formula respectively. There are numberbc entries in both arrays and from this data, a concepts::Boundary is constructed and added to bc.

// ************************************************* boundary conditions **
for (int i = 1; i <= input.getInt("numberbc"); ++i) {
input.getArrayInt("bctype", i),
(input.getArrayString("bcform", i).c_str())));

The parameters and boundary condition are printed to screen.

// ***************************************************** show parameters **
std::cout << '[' << argv[0] << "]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl
<< " input file = " << inputfile << std::endl
<< input;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
std::cout << bc << std::endl;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;

Now, everything is ready to do the computations.

// ******************************************************** computations **
fem(input, bc, output);

The input and output data is stored in a file. The table of output data is printed to screen and stored in a file.

// ************************************** output of input data and other **
std::ofstream* ofs = new std::ofstream(input.getString("gnuplot").c_str());
*ofs << std::setprecision(20);
delete ofs;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
std::cout << output << std::endl;
std::cout << table << std::endl;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl
<< "Writing gathered data to disk: "
<< input.getString("parameterout") << std::endl;
ofs = new std::ofstream(input.getString("parameterout").c_str());
*ofs << "/* program:\t" << argv[0] << std::endl
<< " * command:\t";
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
*ofs << argv[i] << " ";
*ofs << std::endl
<< " * input file:\t" << inputfile << std::endl;
*ofs << " */" << std::endl << std::setprecision(20) << inputParser;
delete ofs;

Finally, exceptions are caught and a sane return value is given back.

std::cout << e << std::endl;
return 1;


The input file:

double a 1.0
double c 0.0
string f "(0)"
// overkill solution with 6698
double exenergy 1.8362264461350097
string meshNameBase "lshape2D"
int vtxRef 10
int edgRef 0
int numberbc 8
array int bctype {
1 1
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 1
array string bcform {
1 "(0)"
2 "( (1/(1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*atan(y)) - y*cos(2/3*atan(y)))*2/3 )"
3 "( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*atan(1/x)) + x*cos(2/3*atan(1/x))) )"
4 "( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(1/x)+pi)) + x*cos(2/3*(atan(1/x)+pi))) )"
5 "( 2/3/((1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi)) + y*cos(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi))) )"
6 "( 2/3/((1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi)) + y*cos(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi))) )"
7 "( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-1/x)+pi)) - x*cos(2/3*(atan(-1/x)+pi))) )"
8 "(0)"

Output of the program:

input file =
string author "(empty)"
string comment "(empty)"
string f "(0)"
string gnuplot "hpFEM2d.gnuplot"
string meshNameBase "../../../applications/lshape2D"
string parameterout "hpFEM2d.out"
string title "singularity in (0,0) in L shaped domain"
int edgRef 0
int level 3
int numberbc 8
int polynomial 1
int solver 1
int vtxRef 10
bool graphics false
double a 1
double c 0
double exenergy 1.83623
array string bcform {
1 "(0)"
2 "( (1/(1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*atan(y)) - y*cos(2/3*atan(y)))*2/3 )"
3 "( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*atan(1/x)) + x*cos(2/3*atan(1/x))) )"
4 "( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(1/x)+pi)) + x*cos(2/3*(atan(1/x)+pi))) )"
5 "( 2/3/((1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi)) + y*cos(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi))) )"
6 "( 2/3/((1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi)) + y*cos(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi))) )"
7 "( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-1/x)+pi)) - x*cos(2/3*(atan(-1/x)+pi))) )"
8 "(0)"
array int bctype {
1 1
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 1
BoundaryConditions(1: Boundary(DIRICHLET, ParsedFormula(0)), 2: Boundary(NEUMANN, ParsedFormula( (1/(1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*atan(y)) - y*cos(2/3*atan(y)))*2/3 )), 3: Boundary(NEUMANN, ParsedFormula( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*atan(1/x)) + x*cos(2/3*atan(1/x))) )), 4: Boundary(NEUMANN, ParsedFormula( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(1/x)+pi)) + x*cos(2/3*(atan(1/x)+pi))) )), 5: Boundary(NEUMANN, ParsedFormula( 2/3/((1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi)) + y*cos(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi))) )), 6: Boundary(NEUMANN, ParsedFormula( 2/3/((1+y*y)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi)) + y*cos(2/3*(atan(-y)+pi))) )), 7: Boundary(NEUMANN, ParsedFormula( 2/3/((1+x*x)^(2/3)) * (sin(2/3*(atan(-1/x)+pi)) - x*cos(2/3*(atan(-1/x)+pi))) )), 8: Boundary(DIRICHLET, ParsedFormula(0)), 0: Boundary(FREE, (0)))
msh = Import2dMesh(ncell = 3)
i = 0
space = Space(dim = 5, nelm = 3)
matrix: SparseMatrix(5x5, HashedSparseMatrix: 15 (60%) entries bound.)
solver = PETSc(solves PETScMat(5x5), it = 1, ksp = bcgs, pc = ilu)
solve time 0
FE energy = 1.7449022359071539867, rel. energy error = 0.049734721128801930023
i = 1
space = Space(dim = 16, nelm = 12)
matrix: SparseMatrix(16x16, HashedSparseMatrix: 90 (35.1562%) entries bound.)
solver = PETSc(solves PETScMat(16x16), it = 6, ksp = bcgs, pc = ilu)
solve time 0
FE energy = 1.7933874905547884104, rel. energy error = 0.023329887046551971153
i = 2
space = Space(dim = 50, nelm = 21)
matrix: SparseMatrix(50x50, HashedSparseMatrix: 402 (16.08%) entries bound.)
solver = PETSc(solves PETScMat(50x50), it = 11, ksp = bcgs, pc = ilu)
solve time 0
FE energy = 1.817608097337950035, rel. energy error = 0.010139462284866132546
string boundaryFile "../../../applications/lshape2DBoundary.dat"
string coordFile "../../../applications/lshape2DCoord.dat"
string elementsFile "../../../applications/lshape2DElements.dat"
array double energyError {
0 0.0497347
1 0.0233299
2 0.0101395
array double feenergy {
0 1.7449
1 1.79339
2 1.81761
array double solve_time {
0 0
1 0
2 0
array double space_time {
0 0
1 0.014998
2 0.043994
array double stiff_time {
0 0
1 0
2 0
array int dof {
0 5
1 16
2 50
array int iterations {
0 1
1 6
2 11
dof energyError feenergy solve_time space_time stiff_time dof iterations
0 0.0497347 1.7449 0 0 0 5 1
1 0.0233299 1.79339 0 0.014998 0 16 6
2 0.0101395 1.81761 0 0.043994 0 50 11
Writing gathered data to disk: hpFEM2d.out
The plot of the solution is done with the following Gnuplot script:
@include hpFEM2d-solution.gnuplot
<img src="hpFEM2d-solution.png" width="640" height="480" alt="Plot of solution">
The plot of the solution clearly shows the different elements. They
are not connected as concepts::QuadratureRuleGaussJacobi is used
for the numerical integration. This rule does not have any points on
the boundary of the element. One can also see that there are
<span class="math">p + 2</span> integration points used in each
direction per element. In the terminal and first layers,
<span class="math">p = 1</span> and the rest of the layers (only one
in this plot) have <span class="math">p = mk</span> in layer
<span class="math">k</span> for the <b>linear degree distribution
parameter</b> <span class="math">m = 1</span>. Therefore, the
elements in the second layer show 4 quadrature points in each direction
in the plot.

The plot of the convergence history of the relative energy error is
done with the following Gnuplot script:
@include hpFEM2d-conv.gnuplot
<img src="hpFEM2d-conv.png" width="640" height="480" alt="Plot of solution">
The plot in \f$\log-\sqrt[3]{.}\f$ scale shows that the relativ energy
error behaves like \f$\|e\| \leq c \exp(-b N^{1/3})\f$, where
<span class="math">N</span> is the number of degrees of freedom (ndof).

@section complete Complete Source Code
@author Philipp Frauenfelder, 2004
#include <memory>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "basics.hh"
#include "toolbox.hh"
#include "formula.hh"
#include "geometry.hh"
#include "space.hh"
#include "function.hh"
#include "graphics.hh"
#include "operator.hh"
#include "hp2D.hh"
// ************************************************************* fem routine **
void fem(const concepts::InOutParameters& input,
const uint l = input.getInt("level");
const uint p = input.getInt("polynomial");
const std::string meshNameBase = input.getString("meshNameBase");
const Real exenergy = input.getDouble("exenergy");
const uint solverType = input.getInt("solver");
std::stringstream fileCoord;
fileCoord << meshNameBase << "Coord.dat" << std::ends;
output.addString("coordFile", fileCoord.str().c_str());
std::stringstream fileElements;
fileElements << meshNameBase << "Elements.dat" << std::ends;
output.addString("elementsFile", fileElements.str().c_str());
std::stringstream fileBoundary;
fileBoundary << meshNameBase << "Boundary.dat" << std::ends;
output.addString("boundaryFile", fileBoundary.str().c_str());
concepts::Import2dMesh msh(fileCoord.str(), fileElements.str(),
std::cout << "msh = " << msh << std::endl;
hp2D::Space space(msh, 0, p, &bc);
for (uint i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
if (space.dim() > 0) {
output.addArrayDouble("space_time", i, timer.utime());
output.addArrayInt("dof", i, space.dim());
std::cout << " space = " << space << std::endl;
graphics::drawMeshEPS(space, "mesh.eps");
graphics::drawMeshDX(space, "mesh.dx");
// ** right hand side **
(input.getString("f").c_str()), &bc);
concepts::Vector<Real> rhs(space, lform);
// ** matrices **
// declare formulas for each entry of the 2x2 coefficient matrix
// assemble the formulas in a MatrixElementFormula
std::vector< concepts::ElementFormulaContainer<Real> > formulas;
// create the Laplacian-BF with Matrix coefficients
#if 0
concepts::BilinearFormLiCo<Real> bform(la, id, input.getDouble("a"),
concepts::BilinearFormLiCo<Real> bform(lamat, id, input.getDouble("a"),
concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> lamat_M(space, lamat);
#if 0
cout << "la_M: " << concepts::DenseMatrix<Real>( la_M ) << endl;
cout << "lamat_M: " << concepts::DenseMatrix<Real>( lamat_M ) << endl;
lamat_M.addInto(la_M, -1);
cout << "error: " << concepts::DenseMatrix<Real>( la_M ) << endl;
cout << "error: " << la_M << endl;
concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> stiff(space, bform);
output.addArrayDouble("stiff_time", i, timer.utime());
std::cout << " matrix: " << stiff << std::endl;
// ** set up solver **
std::unique_ptr<concepts::Operator<Real> > solver(nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<concepts::DiagonalMatrix<Real> > diag(nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<concepts::DiagonalSolver<Real> > precond(nullptr);
#ifdef HAS_PETSC
std::unique_ptr<concepts::PETScMat> stiffP(nullptr);
switch(solverType) {
case 0:
diag.reset(new concepts::DiagonalMatrix<Real>(stiff));
precond.reset(new concepts::DiagonalSolver<Real>(*diag));
solver.reset(new concepts::CG<Real>(stiff, *precond, 1e-6,
#ifdef HAS_PETSC
case 1:
stiffP.reset(new concepts::PETScMat(stiff));
solver.reset(new concepts::PETSc(*stiffP, 1e-12, "bcgs", "ilu"));
#ifdef HAS_SuperLU
case 2: solver.reset(new concepts::SuperLU<Real>(stiff)); break;
case 3: solver.reset(new concepts::Umfpack(stiff, true)); break;
case 4: solver.reset
(concepts::MissingFeature("solver not present"));
// ** solve **
(*solver)(rhs, sol);
output.addArrayDouble("solve_time", i, timer.utime());
std::cout << " solver = " << *solver << std::endl;
std::cout << " solve time " << output.getArrayDouble("solve_time", i)
<< std::endl;
switch(solverType) {
case 0: {
const concepts::CG<Real>* s =
dynamic_cast<const concepts::CG<Real>*>(solver.get());
output.addArrayInt("iterations", i, s->iterations());
#ifdef HAS_PETSC
case 1: {
const concepts::PETSc* s =
dynamic_cast<const concepts::PETSc*>(solver.get());
output.addArrayInt("iterations", i, s->iterations());
const Real FEenergy = sol*rhs;
std::cout << " FE energy = " << std::setprecision(20)
<< FEenergy << std::setprecision(6);
output.addArrayDouble("feenergy", i, FEenergy);
const Real relError = fabs(FEenergy - exenergy)/exenergy;
std::cout << ", rel. energy error = " << std::setprecision(20)
<< relError << std::setprecision(6) << std::endl;
output.addArrayDouble("energyError", i, relError);
if (input.getBool("graphics")) {
std::stringstream name;
name << "hpFEM2d-" << i << ".gnuplot" << std::ends;
graphics::drawDataGnuplot(space, name.str(), sol);
} // if dim > 0
// ** refinement **
if (i < l-1) {
int pMax[2] = { 1, 1 };
hp2D::APrioriRefinement refineSpace(space, input.getInt("vtxRef"),
input.getInt("edgRef"), pMax);
} // for level i
// ************************************************************ Main Program **
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
concepts::InputParser inputParser(true);
inputParser.parse(SOURCEDIR "/applications/hpFEM2d.concepts");
input.addInt("level", 3);
input.addInt("polynomial", 1);
input.addBool("graphics", false);
input.addDouble("a", 1);
input.addDouble("c", 0);
input.addString("f", "(0)");
input.addInt("vtxRef", 10);
input.addInt("edgRef", 0);
input.addInt("solver", 0);
input.addString("meshNameBase", SOURCEDIR "/applications/lshape2D");
input.addString("title" , "singularity in (0,0) in L shaped domain");
std::stringstream outfile;
outfile << argv[0] << ".out" << std::ends;
input.addString("parameterout", outfile.str().c_str());
std::stringstream outfileG;
outfileG << argv[0] << ".gnuplot" << std::ends;
input.addString("gnuplot", outfileG.str().c_str());
output.addString("version", "$Id: hpFEM2d.cc,v 1.7 2005/03/11 21:34:02 kersten Exp $");
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::INT, "dof", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "energyError", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "feenergy", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::INT, "iterations", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "space_time", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "stiff_time", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "solve_time", output);
// ********************************************************** input data **
std::string inputfile;
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "-f:l:p:g")) != EOF)
switch(opt) {
case 'l': input.addInt("level", std::atoi(optarg)); break;
case 'p': input.addInt("polynomial", std::atoi(optarg)); break;
case 'f': inputfile = std::string(optarg);
case 'g': input.addBool("graphics", true); break;
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0]
<< " [-f FILE] [-l LEVEL] [-p DEGREE] [-d]"
<< std::endl
<< "where" << std::endl
<< " FILE: name of the input file" << std::endl
<< " LEVEL: level of refinement" << std::endl
<< " DEGREE: polynomial degree" << std::endl
<< " -g: graphics of solution" << std::endl
<< "Options given after the input file override the values "
<< "read from the"
<< std::endl << "input file." << std::endl;
// ************************************************* boundary conditions **
for (int i = 1; i <= input.getInt("numberbc"); ++i) {
input.getArrayInt("bctype", i),
(input.getArrayString("bcform", i).c_str())));
// ***************************************************** show parameters **
std::cout << '[' << argv[0] << "]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl
<< " input file = " << inputfile << std::endl
<< input;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
std::cout << bc << std::endl;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
// ******************************************************** computations **
fem(input, bc, output);
// ************************************** output of input data and other **
std::ofstream* ofs = new std::ofstream(input.getString("gnuplot").c_str());
*ofs << std::setprecision(20);
delete ofs;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl;
std::cout << output << std::endl;
std::cout << table << std::endl;
std::cout << "--" << std::endl
<< "Writing gathered data to disk: "
<< input.getString("parameterout") << std::endl;
ofs = new std::ofstream(input.getString("parameterout").c_str());
*ofs << "/* program:\t" << argv[0] << std::endl
<< " * command:\t";
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
*ofs << argv[i] << " ";
*ofs << std::endl
<< " * input file:\t" << inputfile << std::endl;
*ofs << " */" << std::endl << std::setprecision(20) << inputParser;
delete ofs;
std::cout << e << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Interface to the iterative solvers of the PETSc library.
Definition: PETSc.hh:74
A linear combination of bilinear forms.
Definition: bilinearForm.hh:83
Solves a symmetric system of linear equations with conjugate gradients (CG).
Definition: cg.hh:39
Direct sparse solver for unsymmetric matrices.
Definition: superLU.hh:70
int getArrayInt(const char *array, const int number) const
Returns a int from an array.
#define conceptsException(exc)
Prepares an exception for throwing.
Definition: exceptions.hh:344
Base class for exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:86
MeshEPS< Real > drawMeshEPS(concepts::Mesh &msh, std::string filename, const Real scale=100, const Real greyscale=1.0, const unsigned int nPoints=2)
Trampoline function to create a MeshEPS.
void add(const Set< Attribute > &attrib, const Boundary &bcObject)
Adds a boundary condition with this attribute to the list of boundary conditions.
A solver for diagonal matrices.
Definition: diagonal.hh:142
Holds parameters in hashes.
Definition: inputOutput.hh:75
void compress(Real threshold=EPS)
Compresses the matrix by dropping small entries.
#define conceptsAssert(cond, exc)
Assert that a certain condition is fulfilled.
Definition: exceptions.hh:394
Sparse direct solver for unsymmetric matrices.
Definition: umfpack.hh:39
Timer and resource monitor.
void addInto(Matrix< H > &dest, const I fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0) const
This matrix is added as block to the given matrix dest.
void addArrayDouble(const char *array, const bool newArray=false)
Creates an empty array for doubles if necessary.
MeshDX< Real > drawMeshDX(concepts::Mesh &msh, std::string filename)
Trampoline function to create a MeshDX.
A function class to calculate element matrices for the mass matrix.
Definition: bf_identity.hh:58
double getDouble(const char *name) const
Returns a double from the hash of doubles.
void addInto(Matrix< F > &dest, const F fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0) const
This matrix is added into to the given matrix.
Space rebuild()
Rebuilds the space.
void drawDataGnuplot(T &msh_spc, std::string filename, const S &sol, const concepts::ElementFunction< Real > *fun=0)
Creates a data file for viewing the data with Gnuplot using DataGnuplotCell.
Definition: dataGnuplot.hh:109
Sparse direct solver for symmetric and unsymmetric matrices.
Definition: pardiso.hh:43
int getInt(const char *name, const int value=INT_MAX) const
Returns an int from the hash of ints.
Exception class for assertions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:258
Definition: basis.hh:33
Class to describe an element of the boundary.
Definition: boundary.hh:35
void addArrayInt(const char *array, const bool newArray=false)
Creates an empty array for ints if necessary
void addString(const char *name, const char *value)
Adds a string to the hash of strings.
void addBool(const char *name, const int value)
Adds a bool to the hash of bools.
std::string getArrayString(const char *array, const int number) const
Returns a string from an array.
uint iterations() const
Returns the number of iterations.
Definition: cg.hh:118
The different boundary condition types.
Definition: boundary.hh:38
Parses an input file and extracts parameters.
Definition: inputOutput.hh:443
void addMap(enum mapTypes type, const char *name, const InOutParameters &holder)
InOutParameters & inputParameters()
Returns the input data.
Definition: inputOutput.hh:461
void addInt(const char *name, const int value)
Adds an int to the hash of ints.
Linear form in 2D.
Definition: linearForm.hh:62
Diagonal matrix.
Definition: diagonal.hh:24
double pi()
InOutParameters & outputParameters()
Returns the output data.
Definition: inputOutput.hh:464
virtual uint dim() const
Definition: space.hh:393
double getArrayDouble(const char *array, const int number) const
Returns a double from an array.
Element formula returning a matrix.
A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian.
Definition: bf_laplace.hh:91
A 2D hp FEM space with continuous, piecewise polynomial basis functions.
Definition: space.hh:88
std::string getString(const char *name, const char *value=0) const
Returns a string from the hash of strings.
Exception class to express a missing feature.
Definition: exceptions.hh:206
void parse()
Parses the input file.
Organizes the results in the hashes from InOutParameters in a nice table.
Definition: resultsTable.hh:23
Interface to the sparse matrices from PETSc.
Definition: PETSc.hh:148
A function class to calculate element matrices for the Laplacian for matrix formulas.
Definition: bf_laplace.hh:129
bool getBool(const char *name) const
Returns a bool from the hash of bools.
void print(std::ostream &os) const
uint iterations() const
Returns the number of iterations.
Definition: PETSc.hh:90
Carries out a-priori given refinements.
Definition: aprioriRef2D.hh:40
void addDouble(const char *name, const double value)
Adds a double to the hash of doubles.
Attributes for elements of the topology.
Definition: connector.hh:22
double Real
Type normally used for a floating point number.
Definition: typedefs.hh:36
float utime()
Returns the user time since the last call of ResourceMonitor using getrusage.
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21 August 2020
© 2020 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich