Mit den Dedekind-Lectures, die jeweils Ende November stattfinden, soll die Begrüdung der reellen Zahlen durch Richard Dedekind in Erinnerung gerufen werden. Die Vorträge, welche sich an ein breites Publikum richten, zeigen historische, logische, mengentheoretische und philosophische Aspekte und Entwicklungen der reellen Zahlen auf.
In the preface to his book Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (Continuity and Irrational Numbers), Richard Dedekind writes: "The reflections that form the subject of this little book date from the autumn of 1858. At that time, as a professor at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, I found myself for the first time in the position of having to present the elements of differential calculus, and in doing so I felt more sensitively than ever before the lack of a truly scientific justification of arithmetic. [...] For me, this feeling of unsatisfactoriness was so overwhelming at the time that I made the firm decision to continue thinking until I had found a purely arithmetical and completely rigorous justification of the principles of infinitesimal analysis. [...] This I succeeded in doing on 24 November 1858.''
The Dedekind Lectures, which take place at the end of November each year, are intended to recall the founding of the real numbers by Richard Dedekind. The lectures show historical, logical, set-theoretical and philosophical aspects and developments of the real numbers.
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Frühere Dedekind Lectures:
Slides zum Vortrag von Piotr Zakrzewski

Bilder von Daniel Zogg

Bilder von Daniel Zogg

Bilder von Daniel Zogg
Slides zum Vortrag von Menachem Magidor

Bilder von Daniel Zogg
Slides zum Vortrag von Leo Corry

Slides zum Vortrag von Jouko Väänänen