Research interests
I am interested finding enumerative invariants using Moduli spaces and algebraic geometry. In particular, I am now interested in moduli spaces of abelian varieties and their chow rings, as well as the universal Picard stack over the moduli space of curves. I am also interested in applications of tropical geomery to enumerative geometry.
Papers and preprints
Joint with Alessio Cela. Genus 0 logarithmic and tropical fixed domain counts for Hirzebruch surfaces. (journal) arxiv/2309.14947
Joint with Alessio Cela. The integral Chow ring of $\mathcal{R}_2$. arxiv/2406.07309
Noether-Lefschetz cycles on the moduli space of abelian varieties. arxiv/2411.09910
The Euler characteristic of $\mathcal{A}_g$ via Hodge integrals. arxiv/2410.00245
- Twisted products in the moduli space of abelian varieties at the Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Seminar in Zurich, March 2024
Some notes
My Bachelor's Thesis "Holomorphic curves" , supervised by Luis Giraldo.
My Master's dissertation "Graded rings and projective varieties" , supervised by Balazs Szendroi.
- "Tautological projections on the moduli space of abelian varieties", a poster for the LMS Invited Lecture Series in 2024 about some intersection numbers on the moduli space of abelian varieties
Conferences and summer schools attended
- 09/2023 Hilbert schemes of points (Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin)
- 07/2023 AGNES Summer school on Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces (Brown)
- 06/2023 Helvetic Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Les Diablerets)
- 02/2023 Northern German AG Seminar (Humbolt Universitat zu Berlin)
- 02/2023 Worshop on Logarithmic Geometry and moduli spaces (Goethe Universitat - Frankfurt)
- 07/2022 JAE School of Mathematics (Madrid).
- 07/2019 JAE School of Mathematics (Madrid).